Daily Productive Sharing 973 - WTF Notebook

One helpful tip per day:) If you join a new team and disagree with some of their practices, Nat Bennett offers a useful approach: 1. Prepare a "WTF" notebook; 2. Observe

Daily Productive Sharing 971 - Doing it all

One helpful tip per day:) Herbert Lui shared how he balances writing with his primary job: 1. Ensure priority: Clarify what you want. 2. Maintain flexibility: Create whenever there's an opportunity.

DPS 周刊 147 - 作家眼中的其他作家是什么样的?

一个作家眼中的另一位作家会是什么样的?他们会惺惺相惜吗? 这是我一直好奇的问题,恰好 Paul Theroux 分别遇见了村上春树和博尔赫斯,并且在 Ghost Train to the Eastern Star 和 The Old Patagonia Express 两本书中花了大量篇幅记述这两段经历,让我们可以一窥 Paul 眼中的村上春树和博尔赫斯。 Paul 是在东京遇见村上春树的,彼时后者刚刚出版了 Andaguraundo,一本讲述1995年东京地铁沙林毒气事件的书。Paul 刚刚搭乘火车到东京,正想探索东京地铁,于是村上春树成为了他最好的向导,这也让

Daily Productive Sharing 970 - The Never-Ending Then

One helpful tip per day:) Nick Maggiulli pointed out a common phenomenon in wealth accumulation -- never being satisfied: 1. We always fantasize about the future, hoping to gain more from external sources,