One helpful tip per day:)
If you join a new team and disagree with some of their practices, Nat Bennett offers a useful approach:
1. Prepare a "WTF" notebook;
2. Observe
One helpful tip per day:)
Since five years ago, Kevin Kelly has been writing down some pieces of advice on his birthday. These valuable suggestions have been compiled and published in Excellent Advice
One helpful tip per day:)
Herbert Lui shared how he balances writing with his primary job:
1. Ensure priority: Clarify what you want.
2. Maintain flexibility: Create whenever there's an opportunity.
这是我一直好奇的问题,恰好 Paul Theroux 分别遇见了村上春树和博尔赫斯,并且在 Ghost Train to the Eastern Star 和 The Old Patagonia Express 两本书中花了大量篇幅记述这两段经历,让我们可以一窥 Paul 眼中的村上春树和博尔赫斯。
Paul 是在东京遇见村上春树的,彼时后者刚刚出版了 Andaguraundo,一本讲述1995年东京地铁沙林毒气事件的书。Paul 刚刚搭乘火车到东京,正想探索东京地铁,于是村上春树成为了他最好的向导,这也让
One helpful tip per day:)
Nick Maggiulli pointed out a common phenomenon in wealth accumulation -- never being satisfied:
1. We always fantasize about the future, hoping to gain more from external sources,