Daily Productive Sharing 936 - Timeshielding

One helpful tip per day:) Anne-Laure Le Cunff is juggling several major projects at the same time: pursuing a PhD, running NessLabs, and writing a book. How does she manage her time? She

DPS 周刊 140 - Burn Book, Burn Life

上周的 DPS 周刊我们推荐了 Kara Swisher 的 Burn Book,这周才把整本书读完,所以可以更好地介绍这本书。 整本书一共十六章,横跨了 Kara 三十多年的职业生涯。这三十多年也是美国科技业发展最迅猛的三十年,所以整本书的节奏非常快。在这些章节中,Kara 回忆了自己和诸多硅谷大鳄打交道的经历,比如 Steve Jobs,Elon Musk,Mark Zuckerberg 等等。尽管浸润在这样的环境中,Kara 始终保持自己的观点,从来不是任何大鳄的 fan girl。

Daily Productive Sharing 933 - Write to Think

One helpful tip per day:) Herbert Lui believes that writing is a completely different form of creation, and we should enjoy the act of writing itself: 1. Writing is both a creative process