
Weekly Book Club 040 (Exclusive) - Original

One book per week:) (The English version follows) Original 一书介绍了如何创新,如何保持原创: 1. 原创性源自好奇心; 2. 原创伴随着巨大风险; 3. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃,早起的虫子被鸟吃; 4. 时机对于创新很重要,过早的创新很可能死得也早。 Please share this with your friends if you find it helpful:) Need

Weekly Book Club 039 (Exclusive) - Innovation Stack

One book per week:) Square is the second company founded by Twitter founder Jack Dorsey, which focuses on mobile payments. At the time, credit card fees were very expensive for small and medium-sized

Weekly Book Club 038 (Exclusive) - Hit Refresh

One book per week:) (The English version follows) 近几年微软的变化有目共睹:不仅 Windows 有了极大的变化,它还发布了一系列令人喜爱的硬件产品,而且云业务页蒸蒸日上。而这一切,都要归功于 CEO - Satya Nadella 的领导。要想了解 Satya 的想法,就不得不读他于2017年出版的自传 -- Hit Refresh 。他在这本书中阐述了自己关于微软,领导力,变化,公司文化和技术的思考: 1.