DPS 周刊 130 - 中国的未来

DPS 周刊 130 - 中国的未来
Photo by Joshua Ang / Unsplash

2024年读完的第一本书是 Lee Kuan Yew - The Grand Master's Insights on China, the United States, and the World,中文书名是《李光耀论中国》。

去年花了点时间读了李光耀的自传 The Singapore Story,中文版分上下两部出版,分别是《风雨独立路》和《经济腾飞路》。这两本书让我对李光耀的早年经历经历和执政时光有了基本了解。而今年的这本书则让我对李光耀退休之后的观点有了更清晰的认识。

DPS 周刊 111 - 李光耀看中国
最近花了点时间读新加坡国父李光耀的书,其中一本是他的自传《经济腾飞路》。这本书主要介绍了新加坡独立之后的历程,其中不乏他对中国的看法: 跟我们最相似的香港当时仍然受英国统治,而且有中国作为腹地,在经济上它几乎是中国的一部分,是中国跟资本主义世界非共产党国家进行贸易的中介。 这个时期,中国正处于疯狂的动荡时代。许多投资者认为台湾和香港太靠近中国,纷纷转到新加坡来。谁来我们都欢迎,但是一找到有增长潜能的大投资家就绝不放过,必定竭尽所能协助他开业。 关于中文的看法: 新加坡华族讲七种中国南方的主要方言,在这种情况下,比较容易说服大家一起改用华语。对许多新加坡华人来说,方言是真正的母语,华语不过是次母语。不过,再过两代人,华语就会成为新加坡华人的母语了。 关于对历届领导人的看法: 1976年,我第一次到北京人民大会堂,主人同我们见面的会议室里摆着痰盂,有些中国领袖还用它。于是,1978年邓小平到新加坡访问的时候,我们在会议室内他的座位旁边放了一个明代的蓝白色痰盂,他却没用,也许是他发觉新加坡华人跟中国人不一样,不随地吐痰。1980年我再次访问北京,发觉北京人民大会堂里的痰盂已经拿走

Lee Kuan Yew - The Grand Master's Insights on China, the United States, and the World 这本书其实是哈佛大学 Belfer 研究中心将李光耀晚年的一些发言,访谈,文章等输出的观点梳理成一本书,主要分为几个话题:

  1. 中国的未来
  2. 美国的未来
  3. 中美关系的未来
  4. 印度的未来
  5. 伊斯兰极端主义的未来
  6. 新加坡经济的未来
  7. 地缘政治和全球化的未来
  8. 民主的未来
  9. 李光耀是如何思考的



India is not a real country. Instead, it is 32 separate nations that happen to be arrayed along the British rail line.
There are three Indian schools in Singapore. There were going to be more, but I said no. You either go to a Singapore school or you go back to India.
The textbooks in these schools are all India-oriented, the knowledge is Indian, the sentiments, and everything. That is the problem.


Hinduism, Chinese Confucianism or Communism, Japanese Shintoism, they are secular really. They know that to progress, you must master science and technology....
But the Muslims believe that if they master the Qu'ran and they are prepared to do all that Muhammad has prescribed, they will succeed.
Only Muslims themselves-those with a moderate, more modern approach to life-can fight the fundamentalists for control of  the Muslim soul.


I do not know if China will be able to overcome the language barrier and the attendant difficulty in recruiting outside talent unless it makes English the dominant language, as Singapore has.
While I once advised a Chinese leader to make English the first language of China, clearly that is not realistic for such a great,  confident country and culture. But it is a serious handicap.
I offered every parent a choice of English and their mother  tongue, in whatever order they chose. By their free choice, plus  the rewards of the marketplace over a period of 30 years, we have  ended up with English first and the mother tongue second.




Everyone knows that Shanghainese are the brightest and sharpest of people. But few know why. It is because, for over 150 years, ever since it became a treaty port for the foreign powers, it has drawn the ambitious, energetic, and talented from  the Yangtze Delta, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, and other provinces along the river, a catchment of some 200-300 million.


Chief among these are their problems of governance:the absence of the rule of law, which in today's China is closer to the rule of the emperor;a huge country in which little emperors across a vast expanse exercise great local influence;cultural habits that limit imagination and creativity, rewarding conformity;a language that shapes thinking through epigrams and 4,000 years of texts that suggest everything worth saying has already been said, and said better by earlier writers;a language that is exceedingly difficult for foreigners to learn sufficiently to embrace China and be embraced by its society;and severe constraints on its ability to attract and assimilate talent from other societies in the world._


I started off believing all men and women are equal.... I now know that is the most unlikely thing ever to have been.
I understood Deng Xiaoping when he said: if 200,000 students have to be shot, shoot them, because the alternative is China in chaos for another 100 years.... Deng understood, and he released it stage by stage. Without Deng, China would have imploded.
Where are the students of Tiananmen now?  They are irrelevant.

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芒格刚刚过世,但他的智慧永存。今天分享的是他于2007年在 USC 法律系毕业典礼上的致辞:

  1. 学会逆向思考,很多时候,这回让你灵感一现;
  2. 嫉妒,气氛,报仇和自我怜悯都是非常灾难性的思考模式,需要在思考时避免这些情绪;
  3. 坚持你的目标,尤其当你感到非常困难的时候;
  4. 当你在生活中遇到挫折时,请把它们当作是一次成长的机会。
Daily Productive Sharing 881 - How to Live a Life That Really Works
One helpful tip per day:) Charlie Munger’s wisdom continues to resonate even after his passing. In his 2007 commencement speech at USC Law School, Munger emphasized: 1. The power of contrarian thinking for sparking insights. 2. The necessity to avoid destructive thought patterns like envy, resentment, revenge, and self-pity. 3.

Annie Macmanus 在44岁之际写下了一些人生感悟:

  1. 放下手机,放下手机,放下手机;
  2. 写作能让你对自己更清醒;
  3. 允许友情来来去去;
  4. 人们当然很忙,但是如果超过三次都无法赴约,那么说明 ta 不愿和你见面;
  5. 人生太短,所以不要让那些感觉糟糕的人存在于你的人生中。
Daily Productive Sharing 882 - Lessons from A 44 Year Old
One helpful tip per day:) Annie Macmanus shared her life insights at 44: 1. Emphasizes the importance of putting away the phone. 2. Writing helps in self-awareness. 3. Advises allowing friendships to naturally evolve and change. 4. Believes that if someone consistently fails to meet up after several attempts, it

Anne-Laure Le Cunff 认为学习放手十分重要:

  1. 所有人都会在人生的某个阶段受到心理创伤;
  2. 对自己客气一点,确保你有所改善,不需要着急;
  3. 有些人属于过去,有些人的改变已经影响了我们之间的关系,所以放手让这些人离去吧;
  4. 对一些关系放手并不一定都是负面的,也有可能是一次成长的机会,让我们更好地了解自己。
Daily Productive Sharing 883 - Let Go
One helpful tip per day:) Anne-Laure Le Cunff emphasizes the importance of learning to let go: 1. Everyone experiences psychological trauma at some point in life. 2. Be kind to yourself, strive for improvement without rushing. 3. Let go of people who belong to the past or whose changes have

Ryan Holiday 去年的年度主题是 less,今年的年度主题是 system,他介绍了为何今年要建立更好的系统:

  1. 建立系统可以事半功倍;
  2. 尽管建立系统可能会有前期投入,但是总体而言,会让效率更高;
  3. 在建立系统时就制定规则,可以减少后期在同样的问题上耗费精力;
  4. 通过建立一个系统,你更有可能把一件事做成。
Daily Productive Sharing 884 - Systems
One helpful tip per day:) Ryan Holiday explains why he’s focusing on building better systems this year: 1. Systems can create efficiency and amplify efforts. 2. While there might be an initial investment in creating systems, they overall enhance efficiency. 3. Establishing rules within systems reduces the need for repeated

Herman Martinus 介绍了自己如何设定新年目标:

  1. 将目标限定为至多三个;
  2. 想清楚这些实现这些目标是什么样的;
  3. 想清楚如何实现这些目标;
  4. 在今后的一年里定期回顾,保证自己的进度在线。
Daily Productive Sharing 885 - Goal Setting
One helpful tip per day:) Herman Martinus introduced how he set goals for the new year: 1. Keep the main focus on 3 goals or fewer 2. Define what hitting these goals looks like 3. Specify how I will achieve each goal 4. Revisit the list a handful of times


Thinking in Systems 是一本不错的系统学入门书籍,我们曾经推荐过:

Weekly Book Club 006 (Exclusive) - 系统之美
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