DPS 周刊 52 - 追寻重要的问题而不是难题

DPS 周刊 52 - 追寻重要的问题而不是难题
Photo by Gabriel Crismariu / Unsplash

最近在翻 Designing Machine Learning System 这本书,非常扎实的一本书。比如,作者建议不要盲目在生产项目中追求 SOTA,而要考虑哪个算法最适用这一商业问题,如果有一个算法又简单又便宜,当然应该选择这一算法,而不是为了追求 SOTA 而选择 SOTA。




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Hannah England 介绍说,temptation bundling 能帮助我们有效完成不想完成任务的一种方法:就是当我们要做一件不太想做的同时,我们一起做一件比较享受的事。比如我们不喜欢打扫房间,那么可以在打扫房间时听自己喜欢的有声书,这样打扫房间就没那么痛苦了。具体而言,我们可以通过三个步骤来梳理自己的 temptation bundling:

  1. 创建一个两栏的表格,左边是我们想做的事,右边是我们应该做的事;
  2. 试着将两边的事结合起来;
  3. 看看两边是否有冲突。
Daily Productive Sharing 491 - How Can Temptation Bundling Can Boost Your Efficiency?
One helpful tip per day:) Hannah England describes temptation bundling as a way to help us effectively complete tasks that we don’t want to do: when we want to do something we don’t really want to do, we do something together that is more enjoyable. For example, we do not

Ben Kuhn 回顾自己的过去,发现自读书开始,他就倾向于解决难题。这样的选择在学校里当然行得通,因为可以让你拿到更高的分数,但是在现实世界里却并不一定。所以他建议,在现实中,我们要着眼于重要问题,而不是难题。

Daily Productive Sharing 492 - Solve Important Problems
One helpful tip per day:) Ben Kuhn looks back on his past and realizes that since the beginning of his studies, he has tended to solve hard problems. Such a choice certainly works in school because it gets you higher grades, but not necessarily in the real world. So he

卢修斯·阿内乌斯·塞内卡 曾经著有 On the Shortness of Life 一书,DXB 读完这本书之后,以与塞内卡对谈的形式将这本书中的精华展现给大家:

  1. 生命并不短暂,要命的是我们一直在浪费;
  2. 我们在物质上注重节俭,但是在时间上一点都不节俭;
  3. 我们常常寄希望于不在掌控中的未来,而不在意当下;
  4. 我们应该不要把时间浪费在无关紧要的人和事上。
Daily Productive Sharing 493 - Life Is Not Short
One helpful tip per day:) After reading the book On the Shortness of Life by Lucius Aeneus Seneca, DXB presents the essence of the book in a fictional conversation with Seneca: 1. life is not short, what kills us is that we keep wasting it. 2. we focus on frugality

Will Larson 分享了一个简单的面试技巧:STAR 模型:

  • situation: 基于什么情况;
  • task: 你承担的任务;
  • actions: 你所采取的行动;
  • result: 你的 "行动 "的结果。
Daily Productive Sharing 494 - Present Yourself in Interviews
One helpful tip per day:) Will Larson shared a simple but effective way to answer job interview questions, which is called STAR model: * Situation surrounding your Task * Task you undertook (or were assigned) to address the Situation * Actions to accomplish the Task * Results of your Actions…

Bessemer Venture Partners 曾经投资了 LinkedIn,Shopify,Pinterest,Twilio,Twitch,Yelp 等一干知名公司。他们是如何做出这些投资决策的呢?他们公布了以上这些投资的备忘录,里面非常详细地记录了各种调查细节,以及他们的决策过程。

Daily Productive Sharing 495 - Why Does BVP Invest?
One helpful tip per day:) Bessemer Venture Partners has invested in LinkedIn, Shopify, Pinterest, Twilio, Twitch, Yelp, and other notable companies. How did they make these investment decisions? They published the memos of these investments, which documented in great detail of various investigation…
