DPS 周刊 60 - Yes, you can!
本周 Biweekly Exdous 也又了更新:哪怕还没下定决心移民,你也可以做下面这几件事:
- 学一门外语;
- 学习科学上网;
- 学习使用 Google / Duckduckgo 等真正的搜索引擎;
- 学习如何有效地检索信息;
- 学习如何独立思考;
- 申请一张 Visa / Master 等国际信用卡;
- 开始购买外汇;
- 锻炼身体,保持身心健康
- 订阅我们的 Biweekly Exodus 周刊
Exodus 2.7
请让我们用脚投票 哪怕还没下定决心移民,你也可以做下面这几件事: 1. 学一门外语; 2. 学习科学上网; 3. 学习使用 Google / Duckduckgo 等真正的搜索引擎; 4. 学习如何有效地检索信息; 5. 学习如何独立思考; 6. 申请一张 Visa / Master 等国际信用卡; 7. 开始购买外汇; 8. 锻炼身体,保持身心健康 9. 订阅我们的 Biweekly Exodus 周刊 下面我们来详细讨论这些。 阅读全文请订阅
欢迎订阅《生产力周报》 专栏,获得最新生产力建议!
Dr. Hannah England 指出模仿学习是一种重要的学习手段,以下五个因素决定了模仿学习是否有效:
- 保持专注
- 反复练习
- 自主练习
- 与原有习惯结合
- 保持激情
Daily Productive Sharing 531 - How to Learn by Mimicking?
One helpful tip per day:) Dr. Hannah England points out that mimetic learning is an important learning tool and that the following five factors determine whether mimetic learning is effective: 1. attention 2. retention 3. reproduction 4. integration 5. motivation If you enjoy today’s sharing…
Shawn Blanc 是 The Sweet Setup 的主编,他分享了自己书架上的书。这些书主要包含创意和创业两大块内容,他抬头就可以看到它们。
Daily Productive Sharing 532 - Shawn Blanc’s Books on Bookshelf
One helpful tip per day:) Shawn Blanc is the editor-in-chief of The Sweet Setup, and he shared the books on his bookshelf. These books cover two main sections, creativity and entrepreneurship, and he can look up and see them. If you enjoy today’s sharing, why not subscribe? Need a superb
David Perell 分享了如何提高通过笔记能力来优化自己的写作能力:
- 只保存最好的笔记:只保存最好的点子;
- 创建常青笔记:就像复利一样,笔记的价值也是越记越多;
- 定期发布:记笔记的目的是为了有所产出,而定期产出其实是衡量我们笔记的一个坐标;
- 懒惰一点:记笔记不需要追求完美;
- 研究发生在后台:学校教我们先研究再写作,但良好的笔记系统可以帮我们倒着来;
- 给笔记建立连接:笔记的价值会被连接放大;
- 做笔记是一种时间旅行:回顾笔记可以帮助我们回顾自己的过去;
- 做笔记的最终目的是改善你的想法;
- 练习即时提纲:良好的笔记其实前置了我们的写作时间;
- 保持凌乱:太过整洁的笔记其实无益于产生灵感。
Daily Productive Sharing 533 - Improving Writing by Taking Notes
One helpful tip per day:) 1. Save only the best notes 2. Create evergreen notes. 3. Publish regularly. 4. Be Lazy. 5. Research happens in the background. 6. Link notes together. 7. Note-taking is a form of time-travel. 8. The ultimate goal of note-taking is to improve your ideas. 9…
Thorsten Ball 建议我们多写笨代码 -- 那些能解决问题,不花里胡哨的代码,正如奥卡姆剃刀原理所言。
举个例子,Python 里的 list comprehension 是 for loop 的一种写法,在不少情况下两者可以互换,甚至两层嵌套的 for 循环或者有条件判断的 for 循环也可以改写成 list comprehension 。但后面这两种情况的 list comprehension 并不是很容易懂,也容易写错。如果不熟悉的话,不如还是按照“笨办法”写成 for loop。
k = [[1, 3], [4, 5]]
r = [i * 6 for j in k for i in j if i > 2]
r = []
for j in k:
for i in j:
if i > 2:
r.append(i * 6)
Daily Productive Sharing 534 - Do Stupid Things
One helpful tip per day:) Thorsten Ball suggests that we’d better write more stupid code -- code that solves problems without being fancy, as Occam’s Razor suggests. For example, list comprehension in Python is a way to write a for loop, and in many cases the two are interchangeable, and
小威廉姆斯是网球界的奇迹,已经获得了23次大满贯头衔。这篇 Vogue 的访谈充满了力量,而且不少照片都是由 Annie Leibovitz 拍摄:
- 她三岁时就开始打网球,但并擅长。于是她作为大威廉姆斯的陪练,参加了最初的巡回赛;
- 她从大威廉姆斯的失败经历里学到了很多,这也是为什么后来的排名提升非常快;
- 她是一个完美主义者,一直在追求完美,不然她会生气。也正是这股狠劲,让她赢得了很多比赛;
Daily Productive Sharing 535 - Serena Williams’s Retirement Interview
One helpful tip per day:) Williams is a miracle in tennis, having won 23 Grand Slam titles. This Vogue interview is full of power: 1. she started playing tennis when she was three years old, but wasn’t good at it. So she played her initial tour as a chaperone for
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