DPS 周刊 66 - 聚焦与发散

DPS 周刊 66 - 聚焦与发散
Photo by Maria Teneva / Unsplash

最近一直在试用 Heptabase :它把记录知识点和整理知识点两块分离了。一个知识点先是被记录到一个卡片中(聚焦模式),然后每个开盘可以被整理到任意个白板里(发散模式),这点和我们消化知识一样:掌握了一个知识点之后,我们可以活学活用。这种方式比双向链接更符合直觉。

附上两个 Heptabase 的map:

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Shane Parrish 强调学习有两种模式,一种是聚焦模式,一种是发散模式:

  1. 我们在聚焦模式下获得新知识,在发散模式下连接知识点。
  2. 发散模式看起来不在学习,其实在学习过程中非常重要;
  3. 因为发散模式看起来不在学习,所以人们往往会有负罪感;
  4. Shane 建议人们抛弃这种负罪感,从而更好地投入学习。
Daily Productive Sharing 561 - Focused Learning and Diffused Learning
One helpful tip per day:) Shane Parrish emphasized that there are two modes of learning, a focused mode and a diffused mode. 1. we acquire new information in the focused mode and connect the dots in the diffuse mode. 2. the diffused mode does not appear to be learning, but

Jack Raines 介绍了改变了他人生的几本书,每本推荐都附有他的介绍。

Daily Productive Sharing 562 - A Book List by Jack Raines
One helpful tip per day:) Jack Raines introduced several books that changed his life, which includes his introduction If you enjoy today’s sharing, why not subscribe Need a superb CV, please try our CV Consultation #reading Jack Raines 介绍了改变了他人生的几本书,每本推荐都附有他的介绍。 如果我们的内容对你有价值,不如付费支持我们 :) 需要更棒的…

David Perell 梳理了李光耀回忆录关于新加坡的记录,分析了新加坡为何如此迅速地发展:

  1. 新加坡没有土地,没有资源,所以他们必须发展外向型经济;
  2. 要想发展外向型经济,必须有健全的法制,良好的经商环境,高效的政府;
  3. 以上这些恰恰是新加坡邻国不具有的特质,而新加坡一直在向这些方向努力;
  4. 英语教育也是非常重要的一环,强调英语的重要性让新加坡国民更容易融入整个世界。


Singapore is not a Malay nation, not a Chinese nation, not an Indian nation. Everybody will have a place in Singapore.
Daily Productive Sharing 563 - How Did Singapore Become Singapore?
One helpful tip per day:) David Perell combed through Lee Kuan Yew’s memoirs about Singapore to analyze why Singapore grew so rapidly: 1. 1. Singapore had no land and no resources, so they had to embrace global economy. 2. to develop an externally oriented economy, they must have a sound

Devon Zuegel 认为远程工作会让美国失去对人才的吸引力,人们可以有更多的工作地选择:

  1. 远程工作不需要担心工作签证问题;
  2. 远程工作可以选在那些时区一致,气候良好的国家;
  3. 首选国家包括加拿大,乌拉圭,巴拿马,哥斯达黎加,克罗地亚,新加坡等地。
Daily Productive Sharing 564 - Remote Work and Talent Monopoly
One helpful tip per day:) Devon Zuegel believes that remote work would make the United States less attractive to talents and that people could have more choices of where to work. 1. remote work does not require work visa concerns. 2. remote work can be done in countries that have

费德勒最近退役了。Simon Kuper 曾经在2019年采访过费德勒,在他的笔下,费德勒不再那么神秘:

  1. 通常采访对象只是回答问题,而费德勒不仅回答问题,还会问记者问题;
  2. 费德勒接受访谈时,经纪人不在边上把关;
  3. 费德勒吃东西没有什么忌嘴;
  4. 费德勒在更衣室里保持良好的气氛,不仅仅和纳达尔保持,也和其他年轻球员保持;
  5. 他对梅西的评价非常高,因为梅西拿到球之后,对于传球,运球还是射门拿捏得很准;
  6. 费德勒非常顾家,他说自己脑子里有两个时间,一个是自己当下的时间,一个是家人所处的时间。
Daily Productive Sharing 565 - You Cannot Be Alone at the Top
One helpful tip per day:) Federer recently retired. Simon Kuper once interviewed him in 2019, and under his pen, Federer is not so mysterious: 1. usually the interviewee just answers questions, while Federer not only answers questions, but also asks the journalist questions. 2. Federer was inter…


Daily Productive Sharing 535 - Serena Williams’s Retirement Interview
One helpful tip per day:) Williams is a miracle in tennis, having won 23 Grand Slam titles. This Vogue interview is full of power: 1. she started playing tennis when she was three years old, but wasn’t good at it. So she played her initial tour as a chaperone for
Daily Productive Sharing 545 - Why Is Serena Williams Extraordinary?
One helpful tip per day:) We shared a Vogue interview with Serena Williams in [[Daily Productive Sharing 535 - 20220902]], and today’s article, also about Wie, comes from the Times: 1. 10 of Wie’s 23 Grand Slams have been won since she turned 30. 2. it is particularly difficult for
