DPS 周刊 71 - 如何面对不确定性
我们困在防疫里已经三年了,世界上第二大的加密货币交易所 FTX 一周内灰飞烟灭。这个世界充满了太多的不确定性,我们到底应该如何面对呢?
- 周一的分享中,Anne-Laure Le Cunff 介绍了她面对不确定性的四种方式;
- 周二的分享中,Morgan Housel 认为知识也是变化的,一种是可积累的知识,一种是循环的知识;
- 面对不同的下属,Sean Sutherland 建议用不同的方式来管理;
- 而 Jack Raines 搭乘了大量航班之后,对不确定性有了更深的理解,他拿这些见解来理解投资理财。
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Anne-Laure Le Cunff 介绍了如何应对混乱的四种方法:
- 追寻产出,关注过程,而不是结果;
- 创造一个新的习惯,并一直遵循这一习惯;
- 反思自己的行动,关注行动本身;
- 与其他人一起交流
Daily Productive Sharing 586 - How to Cope With Chaos?
One helpful tip per day:) Anne-Laure Le Cunff introduces four ways to cope with chaos: 1. Make a pact. 2. Create an anchor ritual. 3. Practice metacognition. 4. Don’t do it alone. If you enjoy today’s sharing, why not subscribe Need a superb CV, please try our CV Consultation
Morgan Housel 认为知识有两类:
- 可积累的知识:通常可以量化,所以容易更新,比如医学;
- 循环的知识:通常通过经历来获得,难以量化,所以不容易传承,比如理财知识。
Daily Productive Sharing 586 - How to Cope With Chaos?
One helpful tip per day:) Anne-Laure Le Cunff introduces four ways to cope with chaos: 1. Make a pact. 2. Create an anchor ritual. 3. Practice metacognition. 4. Don’t do it alone. If you enjoy today’s sharing, why not subscribe Need a superb CV, please try our CV Consultation
Devon Zuegel 分享了三个实用的写作建议:
- 保持写作,不要自我审查;
- 使用手机来录制自己的声音,然后转写成文本(ASR);
- 找到适合自己写作的方式,比如她发现写邮件比写文章容易,于是就把很多草稿当作邮件来写。
Daily Productive Sharing 588 - On Writing
One helpful tip per day:) Devon Zuegel shared three practical writing tips. 1. keep writing and do not self-censor. 2. use your phone to record your voice and then transcribe it into text (ASR). 3. find what works for your writing, for example, she found it easier to write emails
Sean Sutherland 指出作为领导者,需要和下属一起成长,要用不同的方式来引导下属成长,具体有四个阶段:
- 引导:当下属第一次做某件事时,领导者需要给出具体的步骤;
- 指导:当下属已经上手某件事时,领导者只需要给出方向,给出一截关键建议即可;
- 辅助:当下属已经熟悉某件事,但还缺乏信心时,领导者可以帮助他们建立信心;
- 委托:当下属熟悉某件事,而且充满动力和信心,那么就完全可以放手让让们去做。
Daily Productive Sharing 589 - Leading With a Growth Mindset
One helpful tip per day:) Sean Sutherland points out that as a leader, you need to grow with your subordinates and guide them in different ways, specifically in four stages. 1. Directing: when a subordinate is doing something for the first time, the leader needs to give specific steps. 2.
Jack Raines 去年一年搭乘了很多航班,经历了不少波折。他说这其实和投资很像:
- 尽管飞机是最安全的交通工具,但我们身处颠簸时,依旧非常害怕;
- 这其实和投资很像,当我们身处其中时,只会关注当下,而不会看到长远,所以盲目进场,慌忙抛售都是很普遍的现象;
- 就像 Morgan Housel 认为的那样,理财知识时通过经验获得的,难以量化,所以人们依旧会犯类似的错误。
Daily Productive Sharing 590 - In the Heat of the Moment
One helpful tip per day:) Jack Raines has been on a lot of flights in the last year and has experienced a lot of turbulences. He says it’s actually a lot like investing: 1. even though airplanes are the safest form of transportation, we are still very scared when we
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