DPS 周刊 76 - 最小阻力
最近穿堂风准备了一篇详尽的 newsletter 创建指南 -- Substack or Ghost? 这里是一份Newsletter设置指南。这里面介绍了几种 newsletter 平台。我们使用了 Ghost Pro,也就是 Ghost 官方托管的服务,成本并不低。我们的考量是把最主要的精力放在内容本身,其他的一切能托管出去的都托管出去。
这其实就是所谓的最小阻力:当我们要应对一件困难的挑战时,我们不妨把主要精力放在应对本身,把其他的一切阻力都尽量最小化。比如前一阵子,我在旅行中,特地把酒店订到一个 CrossFit box 旁边,不行不到十分钟。这样即使每天早上六点半的早课也没那么痛苦了。所以我在旅行中仍旧能够保证一定的训练。
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Dr. Hannah Rose 认为动力源自行动,这点与 James Clear 在 Atomic Habits 一书中的观点一致:
- 所谓动力,在于我们起步之后,不断前行,即使跌倒,也能爬起来再前行;
- 动力分为内在和外在两种,内在动力会让我们自驱,而外在动力又可能与我们的兴趣不一致;
- 与其在一件困难的任务前拖沓不决,不如把它拆解开来,每天完成一点点。这样能够增强我们的动力。
Daily Productive Sharing 611 - How to Keep Motivated?
One helpful tip per day:) Dr. Hannah Rose believes that motivation comes from action, which is consistent with James Clear’s view in Atomic Habits: 1. motivation lies in the fact that after we start, we keep moving forward, and even if we fall, we can get up and move forward
Matt Might 分享了自己的健身哲学 - 最小阻力哲学:
- 将一切阻力降低到最低,比如讨厌去健身房,那么可以在家里配置一些健身器械;比如讨厌器械训练,可以从自重练习开始;
- 记录一切数据,定期回顾;
- 适当地休息,防止受伤;
- 改善饮食,适当摄入补剂。
Daily Productive Sharing 612 - How to Workout Effortlessly?
One helpful tip per day:) Matt Might shared his fitness philosophy - the philosophy of minimal resistance: 1. minimize all resistance, for example, if you hate going to the gym, then you can purchase some fitness equipment at home; if you hate machine training, you can start with self-weight exer…
J.D. Roth 痛失母亲之后,决定将2023年变为“我”之年:
- 他在过去会给每一年定一个主题,然后专注在这一主题上,这让他产生了显著的变化;
- 他把2023年定为“我”之年,是想更关注自我的内心;
- 他最近读完了 The Courage of to Be Disliked, 让他深受启发。
Daily Productive Sharing 613 - Year of Me
One helpful tip per day:) After the loss of his mother, J.D. Roth decided to make 2023 the year of “me”: 1. he used to set a theme for each year and then focus on that theme, which made a significant difference to him. 2. he designated 2023 as
Jack Raines 建议年轻人不需要对财富有太大的压力:
- 随着你的职场成长,你的薪资也会提高;
- 随着你的经历增长,你也更容易找到新工作。
Daily Productive Sharing 614 - Don’t Stress Too Much About Wealth
One helpful tip per day:) Jack Raines advises that young people do not need to put too much pressure on their wealth: 1. 1. as you grow in the workplace, your salary will increase as well. 2. as your experience grows, you are more likely to find a new job
Morgan Housel 分析了期望与现实的关系:
- 期望离现实越远,带给我们的惊喜越大;
- 管理我们的期望和做出具体的努力同样重要;
- 我们的成功背后有大量的失败,这样一想,我们就可以调整自己的期望;
- 当霍金被问及他是如何保持乐观心态时,他说自从自己21岁得病之后,每一天都像上天对他的褒奖。
Daily Productive Sharing 615 - Expectations and Reality
One helpful tip per day:) Morgan Housel analyzes the relationship between expectations and reality. 1. the further away from reality expectations are, the greater the surprise they bring us. 2. managing our expectations is as important as making specific efforts. 3. there is a great deal of fai…
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