Daily Productive Sharing 012

One helpful tip per day:)

(The English version follows)

今天的推荐是 Five Years On — The Art of Machinery

到底是拿时间换金钱,还是拿金钱换时间?这可能是很多人在职业发展道路上需要面对的选择。本文作者曾在职业早期进入 Google 工作,非常不错的薪水,但是没有多少可供自己支配的时间;后来他从 Google 辞职之后,尽管收入不如以前,但是作为独立的技术顾问,拥有了大把时间。


  1. 相对比较高的薪水;
  2. 相对比较成熟的学习环境;
  3. 相对明朗的上升通道;
  4. 不错的业界口碑;


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Today’s recommendation is Five Years On — The Art of Machinery.

Using time in exchange for money? Or vice versa? This is a classical dilemma that everyone may face during their career. The author of above article worked for Google in his early career, with a good salary, but without much disposable time. Later, when he quit job from Google, and became an independent consultant, he gained much less money, but had plentiful time to spend.

So how do you choose?