Daily Productive Sharing 024 - [荐书] The Motivation Myth

One helpful tip per day:)

(The English version follows)

又到了每周的荐书时间,本周推荐 The Motivation Myth。到底是先有动力再成功,还是先有成功再有动力?这本书揭示了两者的关系。如果你没有时间翻阅全书,可以参考我们之前的书评:书评 The Motivation Myth。读完这本书,我们还总结了一些效率思维的迷思,可以参考这篇:一些反直觉的效率思维。如果你在生活中也发现了类似的迷思,不妨和我们分享一下?

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It’s time for another weekly book recommendation, and this week’s recommendation is The Motivation Myth. Is it motivation before success, or success before motivation? This book reveals the relationship between the two.

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