Daily Productive Sharing 043 - 好用的读书笔记模版

(The English version follows)

Ali Abdaal 在他最近的 YouTube 中分享了他的读书笔记模版:Ali's Book Notes,大家可以复制到自己的 Notion 里使用。

我们也增加了几个 Notion 模版,Utrecht Work Engagement ScaleStanford Quick Burnout Assessment 是两个用于自测是否 burnout 的工具。其余的模版也都可以在 Bestseller Templates上找到。欢迎大家使用并分享:)

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Ali Abdaal shared his book note template in his recent YouTube post: Ali's Book Notes. You can copy them into your own Notion.

We have also added a couple of Notion templates, Utrecht Work Engagement Scale and Stanford Quick Burnout Assessment are two tools for burnout self-assessment. The rest of the templates are also available at Bestseller Templates.

Feel free to use and share them :)

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