Daily Productive Sharing 055 - Sci-Hub 创始人专访

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(The English version follows)

如果你想获得免费的学术论文,那么一定听说过另一个神奇的站点 Sci-Hub。这个拥有八千四百多万篇论文的站点创始人是一位来自哈萨克斯坦的姑娘 Alexandra Elbakyan。Ness Labs 上周采访了她,在这篇访谈 Interview: Collective intelligence with Alexandra Elbakyan 里, Alexandra 对 Sci-Hub 的定义是:

Sci-Hub in essence is a tool to connect one brain to another, using research papers as a medium. Using brain-machine interfaces we could possibly connect brains directly to each other, in a neuron-to-neuron way. Then, out of many brains connected directly to each other over the Internet, a big “global brain” will emerge. Sci-Hub is the alpha version of it. It connects the brains of many researchers, but not yet in a direct way.

对了,11月6日是她的生日,也就是本周六,不妨考虑给她捐款支持 Sci-Hub 吧。

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If you want to get your hands on free academic papers, you've heard of another amazing site, Sci-Hub, founded by a girl from Kazakhstan named Alexandra Elbakyan, who has over 84 million papers. Ness Lab had a recent interview with Alexandra, and in which, Alexandra defines Sci-Hub as:

Sci-Hub in essence is a tool to connect one brain to another, using research papers as a medium. Using brain-machine interfaces we could possibly connect brains directly to each other, in a neuron-to-neuron way. Then, out of many brains connected directly to each other over the Internet, a big “global brain” will emerge. Sci-Hub is the alpha version of it. It connects the brains of many researchers, but not yet in a direct way.

The full interview is here: Interview: Collective intelligence with Alexandra Elbakyan,

By the way, November 6 is her birthday, which is this Saturday, so why not consider giving her a donation to support Sci-Hub?

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