Daily Productive Sharing 072 - 正向压力的好处

One helpful tip per day:)

(The English version follows)

通常而言,压力带给我们大多都是负面的影响,不过适当的压力也可以转换为动力,促进我们成长进步。作者将这样的压力称之为 eustress,而 eustress 可以帮助我们

  • 建立工作流
  • 变得更有弹性
  • 变得更有效率
But stress is just your body and your mind’s response to external challenges. Depending on the particular stressors and your reaction, stress can be detrimental (distress) or beneficial (eustress).
Eustress, which is a short-term response, makes you feel motivated and focused when faced with a challenge perceived as within your coping abilities.

The two sides of stress: distress and eustress

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Generally speaking, stress has a negative impact on us, but the right amount of stress can also be turned into motivation for growth and improvement. The author calls such stress eustress, and eustress can help us to

  • Establish a good flow
  • Become more resilient
  • Become more efficient
But stress is just your body and your mind’s response to external challenges. Depending on the particular stressors and your reaction, stress can be detrimental (distress) or beneficial (eustress).
Eustress, which is a short-term response, makes you feel motivated and focused when faced with a challenge perceived as within your coping abilities.

The two sides of stress: distress and eustress

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