Daily Productive Sharing 129 - How to Give Feedback in Work?

(The English version follows)



  1. 不要在给出反馈时掺杂自己的情感;
  2. 不要假设对方的行为;
  3. 不要给出模糊不清的反馈;
  4. 要对反馈负责;
  5. 不要给出不切实际的反馈




Tough Love for Managers Who Need to Give Feedback

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As a manager, how to provide feedback to subordinates is a very challenging management skill, and in today's sharing, the author suggests that

  1. Your feelings have no place in feedback for your reports.
  2. You don’t get to assume why someone’s behaving the way they’re behaving.
  3. You’re not allowed to soften the feedback so much that your report doesn’t understand what they should do next.
  4. If you can’t own the feedback, don’t give it.
  5. Be honest with yourself about whether or not you think this person can meet these expectations.

Obviously, as the other side who receive the feedback, you can also judge whether your supervisor is a competent supervisor based on these.

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Tough Love for Managers Who Need to Give Feedback

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You owe it to them to be better at this, because you have 100% of the power in this relationship: the power to fire them, the power to limit the projects they take on, and the power to cap the compensation they earn.

Vent to or lean on your peers about your feelings; that is not your direct reports’ job.

Give feedback on your reports’ work, the outcomes of their work, and how this relates to their level and expectations (more on how to do this effectively below).

Quit proposing new solutions or approaches when you still don’t know what’s going on for your report.

It’s your responsibility to clearly (and kindly) articulate what’s expected of them in their role, and what the gaps are.

You’re not allowed to pass your report’s feedback off as “other people are saying…”

If you give someone feedback while expecting them to fail, that’s you failing as their manager.

Deliver your message, with commitment.

Follow these steps as you prepare to give a direct report feedback, no matter the occasion: their performance review or a regular one-on-one.
  1. Frame your feedback in terms of your observations, rather than assumptions or judgments.
  2. Tie your feedback to shared career ladder or job description documents that relate to this person’s role, and the next level up.
  3. Cap off your feedback with open coaching questions, before hopping into advice/request mode.
  4. Roleplay the feedback conversation with a peer first, to iron out the potential pitfalls, and make sure it’s fair and clear.
  5. To steal from Jill Wetzler: Deliver your message, with commitment. She writes, “the delivery of a performance review is not so much the end of the feedback cycle as it is the beginning of your work together.”