Daily Productive Sharing 147 - How to Read Actively?

(The English version follows)


读了一本书而忘记其中的内容是一个非常常见的问题,我们之前也介绍过 active reading 这一方法(参见 Daily Productive Sharing 127)。今天介绍一个更加具体的方法 -- 完形填空。没错,和我们参加英语考试时做的完形填空差不多,这一方法可以帮助我们更好地回忆阅读过的内容。其实这也是 Anki 记忆法的核心概念。借助 Readwise这一工具,我们可以方便地将阅读时做的摘要做成 anki 卡片。


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Reading a book and forgetting its contents is a very common problem, and we have previously described active reading as a method (see [Daily Productive Sharing 127](https://acacess.substack.com/p/daily- productive-sharing-127). Today, we are introducing a more specific approach - cloze deletion. This is actually the core concept of Anki's mnemonic method. With the help of Readwise, we can easily make anki cards with summaries of what we have read.

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Remember Significantly More of What You Read With Readwise


Active recall testing (also known as quizzing, testing, or retrieval) is the process by which we challenge our minds to retrieve a piece of information rather than passively reviewing or re-reading the same information.

This is no doubt better than never revisiting the passage, but research has repeatedly shown that active recall testing is significantly more effective.

The key to learning more is forgetting less. The key to forgetting less is systematic review. And the best way to review is through active recall.

In cloze deletion, a salient keyword or keyphrase is hidden from the passage, giving you an opportunity to pause and consider whether you know the missing word.

The year was 2016 and I was in the midst of a yearlong sabbatical from my career in private equity.

I loved reading at this pace, but I began to notice that I could hardly remember the important bits of a book I'd read fewer than two or three months ago.

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