Daily Productive Sharing 161 - How to Survive from Emails?

(The English version follows)

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今天的分享来自 Deep Work 的作者 Cal Newport 教授。他最近刚刚出了一本新书 A World Without Email: Reimagining Work in a World of Communication Overload。在这边访谈中,他分析了自己对于现代工作中的一些问题,也给出了相应的解决方式,其中不少是他身体力行的结果。如果你对这位生产力畅销书作者的工作效率感兴趣,那么一定不能错过这篇文章。



I'm 'A World Without Email' Author Cal Newport, And This Is How I Work

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Today's share is from Professor Cal Newport, author of Deep Work. He has just released a new book [A World Without Email: Reimagining Work in a World of Communication Overload](https://www.calnewport.com/books/a- world-without-email/). In this interview, he analyses some of the problems he observed in modern work and gives his solutions, many of which are based on his own experience. If you are interested in the productivity of this bestselling author, then you can't miss this article.

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A big theme in the feedback I received for that book was that the communication culture in the modern office, centered on tools like email and Slack, made undistracted thought nearly impossible.

The solution is to instead identify the main processes in our work lives—the efforts we return to again and again—and implement them with smarter processes that require many fewer unscheduled messages.

The specific tools used to implement this planning is not as important as the philosophy itself.

I stick with the plan because I have a lot to get done and I like to shut down by 5:30 so I can be with my family, so I don’t have a lot of margin for error.

Don’t just sign up for TikTok or Clubhouse because it might be “interesting.”

Figure out what activities actually move the need in your job or business, and build your habits around prioritizing those activities.