Daily Productive Sharing 211 - Manage Our Energy

One helpful tip per day:)

(The English version follows)


时间管理的本质是什么?Harvard Business Review 早在2007年的一篇文章就指出时间管理的本质是精力管理(参见Daily Productive Sharing 061 - 20201109),今天的分享中,作者比较了时间和精力的异同之处:

  1. 时间是有限的,而精力是可以增加的;
  2. 时间是平均分布的,而精力是不平均的。


Daily Productive Sharing 061 - 20201109

Daily Productive Sharing 081 - 20201207

Weekly Book Club 020 - 20210227

Weekly Book Club 023 - 20210320



Manage Your Energy Not Your Time

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What is the essence of time management? Harvard Business Review pointed out in a 2007 article that the essence of time management is energy management (see Daily Productive Sharing 061 - 20201109), and in today's sharing, the authors compare the similarities and differences between time and energy:

  1. time is finite, while energy can be increased.
  2. time is evenly distributed, while energy is not.

Once we understand these two truths, we can manage our time better by managing our energy.

Daily Productive Sharing 061 - 20201109

Daily Productive Sharing 081 - 20201207

Weekly Book Club 020 - 20210227

Weekly Book Club 023 - 20210320

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Manage Your Energy Not Your Time

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You rush things. You make mistakes.
This was my introduction to the idea that there are right and wrong times to do things, based on how your body is behaving, and what your energy levels are.
Time is a fixed resource. You can’t add more hours to your day.
By contrast, your energy levels are suprisingly elastic. You can bring more energy to your day by getting enough sleep, or being well rested.
Time is an equally distributed resource. Energy isn’t equally distributed.