DPS 周刊 145 - 搬到新国家的这一年

翻看之前的 Weekly Recap,去年此时,我刚好裸辞,再次跨国搬家。 本周正式成为了无业游民。没有工作真是一身轻。 DPS 周刊 95 - 满意的工作本周正式成为了无业游民。没有工作真是一身轻。 和朋友聊天,被问及,这份两年多的工作让我开心吗?我说一点也不开心,可能是体验最糟糕的一份工作,也没学到什么新东西。似乎除了赚钱,什么也没有得到。 我一直以为,一份理想的工作至少满足三个条件:足够的成长空间,开心的工作氛围,以及满意的薪水。回头一看,没有一份工作能同时满足这三个条件。能满足其中两个条件的工作已经让我很开心了。 至于下一份工作想要什么样的?至少满足其中两个条件吧。 出国移民的过程中需要面对许多繁琐的手续和程序。

Daily Productive Sharing 960 - Overtake America

One helpful tip per day:) The recent article in The Economist provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of the Chinese economy: 1. Economic deflation for three consecutive quarters: Labor force is

Daily Productive Sharing 959 - Walk and Talk

One helpful tip per day:) Craig Mod shared about a Walk and Talk hiking event he organized with Kevin Kelly in Chiang Mai at the end of last year. They walked 100 kilometers

Daily Productive Sharing 958 - Daily Workout

One helpful tip per day:) Ryan Holiday believes that daily exercise can stimulate his inspiration: 1. When your body is active, your brain is more energetic. 2. For those engaged in creative work,