DPS 周刊 134 - 2024年的第一个月
这个月读完了两本书,一本是 Lee Kuan Yew - The Grand Master's Insights on China, the United States, and the World,中文书名是《李光耀论中国》。一本是 Paul Theroux 的 Ghost Train to the Eastern Star。
Chief among these are their problems of governance: the absence of the rule of law, which in today's China is closer to the rule of the emperor; a huge country in which little emperors across a vast expanse exercise great local influence; cultural habits that limit imagination and creativity, rewarding conformity; a language that shapes thinking through epigrams and 4,000 years of texts that suggest everything worth saying has already been said, and said better by earlier writers; a language that is exceedingly difficult for foreigners to learn sufficiently to embrace China and be embraced by its society; and severe constraints on its ability to attract and assimilate talent from other societies in the world.
至于 Ghost Train to the Eastern Star,这本书非常厚实,Paul Theroux 一路从欧洲写到了亚洲,最后又回到欧洲。其中关于新加坡的那章是我最喜欢的一章:
"The university students I had in Singapore were the brightest, the best, the most hard-working of any students I'd ever taught. And they spoiled me. I never found students that good anywhere else, so I gave up teaching."
When I first arrived to teach at the University of Singapore—and was told by the vice chancellor to get a haircut.
正在读的还包括 Gerrie Lim 的 The Invisible Trade II 和 Fuchsia Dunlop (扶霞)的新著 Invitation to a Banquet。
The Invisible Trade II 是 Gerrie Lim 关于新加坡色情产业第二本著作。全书都是访谈,由外围,嫖客和妈妈桑三者的视角展开,揭示了很多不为人所知的心态。
“It makes me wonder,” she says, “if I can ever have a real boyfriend anymore. I’m not sure how it would feel to have sex with someone you really love, when I’m always having sex for work. And I’m not even nineteen yet! Is that sad or what?”
A lot of the emotional energy that goes into what I do, that’s really the hardest part of this job. The sex is easy.
Many of them had revealed in press interviews that the Singaporean men they serviced were usually the worst performers in bed—many of them were clueless about sexual techniques and fumbled around like nervous nellies, making them total killjoys who had cash to burn but less fervor to match.
In Chinese, the word used to describe the delicious smells of roasting is xiang, typically translated into English as ‘fragrant’ yet far richer in its connotations, because xiang also refers to incense, to the smouldering aromatics whose smoke wafted heavenwards to the spirit world during ancient rites of sacrifice, along with the scents of sacrificial food.
Throughout Chinese history, culinary traditions have been influenced by foreign imports, like the carrot, still known as a ‘foreign radish’, the tomato (‘western red persimmon’), the chilli (once known as ‘barbarian pepper’ and still called ‘sea pepper’ in Sichuan) and the round onion (‘foreign’ or ‘ocean’ onion).
Their knowledge of Cantonese cooking alone was limited, and they would have had little, if any, acquaintance with other regional cuisines.
今年的阅读计划就是多读一些严肃主题的非虚构作品,少读一些成功学。接下来想把 Paul Theroux 的代表作都读读一遍,跟着他畅游世界。
我们已经开通了微信支付和支付宝支付,如果你想及时读到 DPS 的全文,不妨直接付费订阅:
- 学的专业有望直接移民,而且绩点不低,但是在国内工作很难攒下钱;
- 想要跨专业考生物信息学,毕业后七年才能攒到本钱;
- 不想做苦力活,所以不考虑社工/护理;
- 没有家里支持,又觉得自己的背景不怎么样;
- 还在看各种奖学金项目和 WHV,但又觉得自己没有运气拿不到。
其实移民就像打牌,我们的年龄,学历,工作经历等等自身条件都是我们手中的牌,而各种签证就是潜在的出牌组合,想要移民的国家就是我们最终的目标。这样一想就简单了:我们要根据自己想去的目的地国申请要求,把手中的牌组成最优势的组合,然后出牌 -- 也就是申请移民。
桥牌高手 Annie Duke 写过两本关于如何决策的书,一本叫 How to Decide,另一本是 Thinking in Bets,都是很不错的书。在前一本书里,她提出了这样一个决策框架。
Cate Hall 在她30多岁的时候成就颇多 -- 成为了世界顶尖的桥牌选手,开创了一家香水公司,创建了一家药企。她总结了一些铸就这些成功的经验:
- 最重要的是找到自己的优势,而不是埋头苦干 -- 这些优势往往是别人忽视的,或者不愿做的;
- 追寻真正的反馈 -- 如果没有反馈,就像炒菜不尝味道;
- 多多社交,扩大自己获得运气的概率;
- 任何事物都可以学习,即使很难,你也可以假设他们可以学习;
- 开始学一样新事物的时候,可能会觉得很难。但这其实是一条护城河,因为你觉得难的事物,别人也觉得难;只要你坚持下去,就能超过那些坚持不下去的人;
- 不要埋头苦干,因为很大概率你会被 burnout 击倒。
Mark Manson 解析了关你屁事的五个段位:
- 直面尴尬 -- 把自己置身于尴尬中,你会发现其实没多少人会关注你;
- 直面拒绝 -- 无论你做得多棒,总会有人拒绝你,所以被拒绝是成功的一部分;
- 直面批评 -- 无论你做得多棒,总会有人批评你,批评的本质是一种反馈,想听就听;
- 直面失败 -- 我们通常是结果导向,而不是过程导向。其实更重要的是过程,是我们从过程中学到什么?
- 解决了以上四个段位的关你屁事,其实你就获得了身心自由。
Herman Martinus 在三十岁生日时,总结了三十条经验,其中这些尤为重要:
- 应该对每一个新认识的人表示尊重。
- 10个爱你的人比10000个喜欢你的人更有价值...
- 困难的对话是最重要的对话。
- 如果你和别人同住,买个洗碗机吧。
- 照顾好你的背部、关节和牙齿(!)
- 你觉得自己越幸运,你就会变得越幸运。乐观是强大的东西。
- 你遇到过的最有趣的人可能是极其好奇的。
- 庆祝是对感恩的表达。抓住庆祝的机会。
- 这个世界很糟糕。这个世界比以前好多了。这个世界可以变得更好。
- “时间能治愈一切伤痛”这句老话大多是真的。一切都会好起来的。
Herbert Lui 分享了他对 dream job 的看法:
- 其实 dream job 的关键在于我们自己的感受,我们如何定义,我们如何把这些与自己的人生意义联系到一起;
- 获得这些 dream job 与运气有很大的关系,即使你无法复刻这样的运气也不要紧,只要享受当下即可;
- dream job 也有可能外面光鲜,实际却大相径庭,所以不要太在意。
Noah Smith 采访了 Dan Wang,请他谈了中美经济和中美制造业:
- Dan Wang 已经于2023年初离开上海,回到美国,在耶鲁法学院做访问学者;
- 每年的年度之信就像是从中国寄出的明信片;
- 中国的制造业发展迅猛,唯独在半导体行业和航空制造业发展缓慢;
- 可能的原因是因为这两个行业都需要高度集成不同领域的研发能力,而这不是中国企业擅长的,中国企业擅长的是集成成熟行业的制造流程,因为上下游的架构都很完备;
- 中国制造业的优势不仅仅在于庞大的劳动力,更在于完备的下游,便捷的物流,以及当地政府的支持。
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