DPS 周刊 61 - 为什么要进大公司工作?

DPS 周刊 61 - 为什么要进大公司工作?
Photo by Venti Views / Unsplash

最近和我的 coach 聊起职业发展,我说没进过类似 FAANG 的大公司,总觉得缺什么。她听了之后,问了我两个问题:

1. 进 FANNG 之类的大公司对你意味着什么?

2. 如果你真的拿到这样的职位,你会有什么感受?这是两个让我陷入深思的问题。



对了,最近开始使用 Notion 管理整个新工作申请流程,到时候会写专门的文章介绍,都会放在 Biweekly Exodus 里发布。

欢迎订阅《生产力周报》 专栏,获得最新生产力建议!


Hannah England 建议我们将目标和开心与否解绑:

  1. 如果将两者绑定,往往当我们实现目标之后,只感到短暂的开心;
  2. 如果我们更关注过程中的一点点进步和感受,我们会更开心。
Daily Productive Sharing 536 - Decouple Your Happiness From Goals
One helpful tip per day:) Hannah England suggests that we decouple goals and happiness. 1. If we tie the two, often we feel only briefly happy when we have achieved our goals. 2. If we pay more attention to the little progress and feelings in the process, we will be

图灵奖得主 Alan Kay 的书单,包含技术&媒体,学习&创作,人类学&心理学,哲学,艺术,设计,数学,政治&经济,计算机等几大块内容。

Daily Productive Sharing 537 - Alan Kay’s Book List
One helpful tip per day:) Turing Award winner Alan Kay’s book list contains technology & media, learning & creativity, anthropology & psychology, philosophy, art, design, mathematics, politics & economics, computers, and several other major sections. If you enjoy today’s sharing, why not subscribe…

Kytie Sylor-Miller 详细介绍了自己使用子弹笔记的经历:

  1. 使用纸笔来记录,使用什么笔记本不重要,重要的是逐步建立这一笔机系统;
  2. 索引页是子弹笔记的重要组成部分,所以使用有页码的笔记本可以更高效地建立索引;
  3. 子弹笔记的基础是在笔记本上记录一切;
  4. 未来记录可以用以记录那些打算做但还没有具体截止日期的项目;
  5. 她每天/每周/每个月会利用固定的时间来整理子弹笔记。
Daily Productive Sharing 538 - Experience of Using Bullet Journal
One helpful tip per day:) Kytie Sylor-Miller details her experience with bullet journal. 1. You can use pen and paper to take bullet journal; it does not matter what notebook is used, it is important to build up this bullet system step by step. 2. that index pages are an

Ilana Sufrin 讨论了应该在什么时候从技术岗转换到管理岗:

  1. 至少要升到高级工程师之后,再考虑转岗,否则可能没有扎实的技术底子;
  2. 当你停止日常写代码后,很难回去,也很容易和技术脱节;
  3. 作为技术经理,需要与不同的工程师沟通,需要有一定的技术见解。
Daily Productive Sharing 539 - Switching Software Engineer into Management
One helpful tip per day:) Ilana Sufrin discussed when one should switch from a technical to a managerial position. 1. at least after you have been promoted to senior engineer before considering the switch, otherwise you may not have a solid technical background. 2. when you stop writing code on

Keavy McMinn 列举了她愿意为之工作的管理者的品质,总体而言,这是一个对于 supportive manager 的详细清单。当然她也坦承自己是一个自驱性的员工,只要指明方向,她就能完成任务。自驱性员工 + supportive manager 应该是当下工作环境中最优的搭配了吧?

Daily Productive Sharing 540 - Who I Want to Work for?
One helpful tip per day:) Keavy McMinn lists the qualities of managers she would like to work for, and overall, it’s a detailed list for supportive managers. She also admits to being a self-driven employee who can get things done if she is given directions. Self-driven employee + supportive manager…

