DPS 周刊 62 - 小威一定是位时间管理大师
小威除了在网球场上所向无敌,她在商场上也十分优秀,如此看来,她一定是一位非常善于管理时间和经历的人。另外,Shawn Blanc 使用日历来管理自己的待办事项,而Ryder Carroll 发明了子弹笔记来改善自己的注意力集中问题。
同样的,我们也需要对自己的生活有更好的掌控。最近打算开始看新工作机会,这回是完全靠自己找机会。因此,我们打算用 Notion 来追踪整个找工作的进度,我们可以利用 Notion 内置的 database 建立了一个找工追踪系统。
Exodus 2.8 - 如何利用 Notion 追踪跨国求职进度
请让我们用脚投票 最近打算开始看新工作机会,这回是完全靠自己找机会。因此,我们打算用 Notion 来追踪整个找工作的进度,主要有以下几个考量: 1. 需要从不同的渠道获取职位信息,所以最好有一个地方可以存取并且整理这些信息; 2. 这些渠道包括不限于 LinkedIn,Indeed,AngeList,政府提供的招聘网站,目标公司自己的招聘网页等等。 3. 有些渠道目前没有适合的职位,但需要继续追踪,说不定哪天就有更新; 4. 需要对这些招聘信息整理,比如找出薪资范围,具体职位要求,年资要求等等; 5. 需要对整个面试流程进行追踪,比如 HR 面试,代码面试,系统设计面试,薪资谈…
欢迎订阅《生产力周报》 专栏,获得最新生产力建议!
Shawn Blanc 使用日历来管理自己的待办事项,大致有四步:
- 弄清楚什么是最重要的;
- 计划自己将在什么时候做什么事;
- 贯彻自己的承诺;
- 庆祝自己的进步。
Daily Productive Sharing 541 - Manage Tasks With A Calendar
One helpful tip per day:) Shawn Blanc uses a calendar to manage his to-do list in four broad steps. 1. Get clear on what is most important 2. Plan when you will do that thing 3. Follow through on your commitment 4. Celebrate your progress Specifically, he would make a
Will Larson 的书单,这是他在2018年准备的,里面包含了许多企业管理类的书籍。
Daily Productive Sharing 542 - A Booklist by Will Larson
One helpful tip per day:) This is a book list prepared by Will Larson in 2008, containing a number of books about company management. If you enjoy today’s sharing, why not subscribe? Need a superb CV, please try our CV Consultation reading Will Larson 的书单,这是他在2018年准备的,里面包含了许多企业管理类的书籍。 如果我们的内容…
Ryder Carroll 是 ADHD 患者,自从发明了子弹笔记之后,他改变了很多:
- 注意力缺失在他身上的体现就像他一直不停地在捕捉雨滴,捕捉到得少,失去得多;
- 子弹笔记帮助他记录脑中一闪而过的想法,然后他可以回顾这些想法,慢慢实现;
- 子弹笔记让他更关注当下,而不用担心患得患失;
- 当事情进展得不如意时,他不在沮丧,而是聚焦在如何解决这些问题上。
Daily Productive Sharing 543 - Why Did Ryder Carroll Invent Bullet Journal?
One helpful tip per day:) Ryder Carroll, who has ADHD, has changed a lot since his invention of bullet journal: 1. the attention deficit manifests itself in him like he is constantly catching raindrops, catching less and losing more. 2. bullet journal helped him to record ideas that flashed thro…
Damian Schenkelman 分析了工作中技能,机会和成长的关系:
- 技能本身的确重要,但是没有机会就不行;
- 让别人知道你的技能,是你获得机会的前提;
- 机会的数量很重要,在初创公司里的机会要比成熟企业里要多得多;
- 我们应该更关注技能上的进步,而不仅仅是头衔上的晋升。
Daily Productive Sharing 544 - The Relationship of Skills, Opportunities and Growth
One helpful tip per day:) Damian Schenkelman analyzes the relationship between skills, opportunities and growth in the workplace. 1. skills are indeed important in themselves, but not without opportunities. 2. letting people know about your skills is a prerequisite for getting opportunities. 3.…
我们在曾经分享了 Vogue 采访 Serena Williams 的文章,今天的这篇文章也是写小威的,来自 Times:
- 小威的23座大满贯中有10座是在她30岁之后获得的;
- 对于女性运动员而言,30岁之后尤为困难,因为他们需要组建家庭,生育孩子,而男性运动员则没有这种困扰;
- 小威除了在网球场上所向无敌,她在商场上也十分优秀,她投资了 MasterClass,Impossible Meat 等独角兽,有望成为第一个资产突破十亿美金的女性运动员;
- 除了网球,小威对其他事物也很感兴趣,比如制片,演艺,时装等等。
Daily Productive Sharing 545 - Why Is Serena Williams Extraordinary?
One helpful tip per day:) We shared a Vogue interview with Serena Williams in [[Daily Productive Sharing 535 - 20220902]], and today’s article, also about Wie, comes from the Times: 1. 10 of Wie’s 23 Grand Slams have been won since she turned 30. 2. it is particularly difficult for
Daily Productive Sharing 535 - Serena Williams’s Retirement Interview
One helpful tip per day:) Williams is a miracle in tennis, having won 23 Grand Slam titles. This Vogue interview is full of power: 1. she started playing tennis when she was three years old, but wasn’t good at it. So she played her initial tour as a chaperone for
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