Weekly Book Club 000 - The Motivation Myth
(The English version follows)
从今年年初开始,我坚持使用 Apple Books 每天阅读至少30分钟,目前已经完成了39本原版书。按照这样计算,我花在每本书上的阅读时间差不多是3小时。在阅读的同时,我利用 Apple Books 的高亮功能,将书中的精华摘出来。慢慢地,我积累了几十本书的精华。
看了 Ali Abdaal 最近的视频 How I Remember Everything,我决定将这些书的精华分享出来。一来可以帮助大家更方便地筛选书籍,二来也督促我自己读更多的好书。
第一本分享的书籍是 Jeff Heden 所著的 The Motivation Myth, 笔记在这个 Notion 页面上。这是一本反直觉的生产力书籍,读完让我耳目一新。

Weekly Book Club 每周分享一本书,附上我的笔记。我会按照不同的话题将摘要重组,方便大家理解。同时,不同颜色的背景表示不同的含义:
- 红色表示最重要的部分;
- 黄色表示次重要的部分;
- 绿色表示可以实操的部分;
- 紫色表示需要避免的部分;
前面几期会对所有本 Substack 订阅用户开放,希望大家多给建议。之后的分享只对付费会员开饭。
由于 Substack 规定的最低年付费为$30,所以我们暂时将年付的价格定为 $30。目前只支持 Stripe 走信用卡通道。不过我们也申请了支付宝,不知道大家能不能走支付宝。
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Since the beginning of the year, I've been reading consistently for at least 30 minutes per day using Apple Books, and I've completed 39 books. At that rate, I spent almost 3 hours reading time on each book. As I read, I use Apple Books' highlighting feature to pick out the best of the books. Slowly, I collected dozens of book extracts.
After watching Ali Abdaal's recent video How I Remember Everything, I decided to share these book extracts. It will help you to make it easier to go through books, and also urge me to read more great books.
The first book to be shared is The Motivation Myth by Jeff Heden, and the notes are on this Notion page. This is a counter-intuitive productivity book that was a refreshing read for me.
Weekly Book Club shares a book each week with my notes. I'll reorganize the extracts by different topics to make it easier to understand. Also, the different colored backgrounds indicate different meanings.
- Red indicates the most important part;
- Yellow indicates the less important part;
- Green indicates the actionable parts;
- Purple indicates the taboo part.
The first few issues will be open to all subscribers on this Substack, and I'd appreciate your suggestions. After that, the shares will only be open to paid members.
Because these shares are valuable, if these original books cost an average of $10 for 3 hours of reading. Then 39 books will cost you $390 and 117 hours of reading. With these essentials, you don't need to spend 117 hours to screen and read these books, nor do you need to spend $390 to buy them.
Since Substack requires a minimum annual payment of $30, we've set the annual price at $30 for now, and currently only support credit card via Stripe. However, we have also applied for Alipay via Stripe, so we don't know if you can go the Alipay.
If you have any questions, you can find us at TG group.
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