Daily Productive Sharing 837 - Career Advice

One helpful tip per day:) Moxie Marlinspike is often asked for career advice, and he has penned down his thoughts, offering guidance from a "what not to do" perspective: 1. Your

Daily Productive Sharing 836 - How to Be Less Anxious

One helpful tip per day:) Nick Wignall believes that many methods to alleviate anxiety often backfire. In response, he proposes seven better approaches: 1. Stop identifying yourself as an anxious person. 2. Express

DPS 周刊 120 - 一点点迭代

自从我们两周前发布了 AwesomeVisa Checklist 的测试版之后,我们一直在听取测试用户的建议,并进行调整。 我们请一位在澳洲读移民法的朋友(未来的持牌中介)测试了 AwesomeVisa Checklist,评价很不错。我们也向她认真请教了一些移民澳洲的问题: 1. 90-95% 的人其实都可以按照 AwesomeVisa Checklist 来完成整个澳洲移民的申请准备,而剩下的那一部分因为情况比较复杂,还是需要中介的帮助才更有把握; 2. 澳洲的 189 / 190 / 491 等等这些技术移民项目,最重要的是申请前的职业评估。其实这部分完全可以由申请人自行完成,这样申请人自己清楚可以申请哪种签证,中介的服务效率也会大大提高。她非常好心地准备了一份职业评估的 checklist,