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(The English version follows)
人类社会发展得如此不平衡,到底是什么原因?是因为人种的问题?还是因为其他?Jared M. Diamond 在 Guns, Germs, and Steel
1. 技术发展的差异主要由三个因素决定:食物的生产效率,传播的的效率,以及人口规模;
2. 食物的生产效率又取决于气候,可驯化的粮食作物和可驯化的哺乳动物;
3. 技术传播的效率主要取决于地理因素;
4. 人口规模其实和粮食作物和可驯化的哺乳动物又密切相关;
In this book, Cal focuses on:
what digital minimalism is.
how to practice digital minimalism.
how to reduce dependence on cell phones.
how to reduce dependence on social media.
how to use offline activities to replace low-quality online activities.
Readwise once counted the most frequently tagged books on their platform, and Cal Newport had three books in the top ten. The computer professor is so prolific because of his focus on what he calls deep work. Today's share is the book with the same name Deep Work.
The Power of Habit is a critically acclaimed book that explores the relationship between productivity and habit. The book presents a framework of cue - reward - carving - routine, which sets the foundation for other works to follow. For example, Atomic Habits.