DPS 周刊 139 -《大叔之牆》与 Burn Book

DPS 周刊 139 -《大叔之牆》与 Burn Book
Photo by Peter Thomas / Unsplash

本周五是国际妇女节,恰好在本周接触了两本女记者写的书,一本是佐藤千矢子的《オッサンの壁》(中文译名为《大叔之牆》),另一本是 Kara Swisher 的 Burn Book


Kara Swisher 是一位专注报道硅谷新闻的记者,她以专注犀利著称。比如前阵子 OpenAI 政变,当时各种小道消息遍地飞,Kara 在纷杂的消息中迅速整理出脉络,又通过自己的渠道获得一些第一手信息,为大家提供了一个独特的视角来观察。这本是她的自传,介绍她如何入道,如何一步步独树一帜。


As much as tech execs wanted visas, they also wanted contracts with the new government, especially the military. They wanted profits repatriated back to the U.S. from foreign countries where they had been stashing their lucre. More than anything, they wanted to be shielded from regulation, which they had neatly and completely avoided so far.

她的视角极其毒辣,比如连 Elon Musk 都会征询她的建议。尽管没有采纳她的建议,但事后还是承认 Kara 才是对的。

In November 2018, I interviewed Musk for my Recode Decode podcast. I reminded him that I had called and warned him about Trump before that tech summit. “I said you shouldn’t go, because he was going to screw you, remember?” I said. “We had a whole—” Musk interrupted me. “Well, you are right,” he said. “I am right, thank you, Elon. I know that,” I replied.


My stepfather also taught me to play backgammon and Risk, games of both luck and boldness, which helped me become a very good tactical and strategic thinker.

而她的记者生涯始于 Georgetown 大学学报,当时 Georgetown 还不像现在这么出名,只是大家的备选项。当她一加入学报之后,就崭露头角,迅速发光。

Back then, Georgetown was a backup school and attracted a lot of middle-level students, especially from Catholic schools.
I ran into a junior named Roberta Oster, who worked on the student newspaper. She’d read some of my work and promptly told me, “You’re not leaving. You’re going to write for me and be a star.” She eventually persuaded me of my pending journalistic genius, so I let the Barnard spot go and started reporting for the school paper called The Hoya.
By the end of my freshman year, I had won the student journalism award—the Edward B. Bunn Award named after Father Bunn—that was typically given to a senior.


I managed to get then Metro editor Larry Kramer on the line. I told him that I was disappointed in their inaccuracies. He challenged me to come down and say that to his face and asked me if I thought I could do better. I would, and I could.
Exasperated by my insistence that it was an embarrassment, even for a very short story, Kramer hired me on the spot as a stringer for the paper.
But what struck me was how easily people could be manipulated by fear and rage and how facts could be destroyed without repercussions.

Burn Book 我才看了一半,剩余的笔记会在今后的 DPS 周刊和大家分享。

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Chad Fowler 分享了他是如何减肥的:

  1. 在原宿逛的时候,他突然发现自己对于健康的态度太过随意,于是决定改变。他将这称之为 Harajuku moment;
  2. 他粗略地计算了一下需要减去的总体重,以及每天需要消耗的热量 -- 一磅脂肪差不多有4000大卡,如果新陈代谢消耗 (BMR) 2900大卡,那么进食1800大卡的话,就有1100大卡的热量缺口;30分钟的有氧运动可以消耗500大卡热量,那么每天就有1600大卡的热量差;
  3. 尽管他会控制饮食,但不是每顿都计算,而是一周做一次计算,然后每餐按照计划执行,通过这样的简化,他不需要担心每餐的卡路里,也就不那么折腾;
  4. 巨大的错误其实是最容易修复的部分。
Daily Productive Sharing 926 - You Need A Reckoning
One helpful tip per day:) Chad Fowler shared how he lost weight: 1. While walking around in Harajuku, he suddenly realized that his attitude towards health was too casual, so he decided to change. He refers to this as the Harajuku moment. 2. He roughly calculated the total weight he

Jakob Greenfeld 理解的富有生活由四部分组成:

  1. 对他人有用 (比如工作)
  2. 锻炼
  3. 学习
  4. 社交




Daily Productive Sharing 927 - Immediate Retirement
One helpful tip per day:) Jakob Greenfeld understands that a rich life consists of four parts: 1. Being useful to others (such as through work) 2. Exercise 3. Learning 4. Socializing If one can achieve these four points every day, that would be the ideal retired life. Similarly, he asks

随着 ChatGPT 的流行,OpenAI 面临的工程挑战也越来越多。Gergely Orosz 邀请了 OpenAI 的应用工程主管 Evan Morikawa 介绍了他们的最佳实践,其中不少与传统的最佳实践完全不一样:

  1. 向 ChatGPT 提问后,系统会把提问拆解成 token,然后转换成 embedding,乘以模型的权重之后,然后获得预测值;
  2. ChatGPT 底层使用 transformer 架构,使用了 self-attention 机制,又一个致命问题,就是 self-attention 的计算是呈平方增长的;
  3. 他们将预测问题当作一个 QKV 的模型来处理,Q 指用户的输入,K是用来输出预测值的输入,V 是预测值,其中 K 和 V 可以被缓存,而 Q 无法被缓存;
  4. 先在最大的硬件瓶颈在于显存大小,即使最先进的 GPU - H100 也有显存瓶颈,而它的架构设计早就在多年前就确定了,短时间也无法更改;
  5. 当然显卡是跟广义上的短缺问题,好在他们有微软 Azure 的支持,所以可以调用一切闲置的显卡资源。这也就意味着,从第一天开始,他们的服务器调度设计就是全球调度;
  6. 因为最大的计算瓶颈在于显卡,所以服务器的物理位置就没那么重要,edge computing 在这里也就无所谈起了;
  7. 监测 GPU 使用率其实没有多少用,因为 GPU 的计算机制和 CPU 完全不一样,看这个使用率只能告诉我们 GPU 是否在计算,无法提供更多细节。
Daily Productive Sharing 928
One helpful tip per day:) With the popularity of ChatGPT, OpenAI faces an increasing number of engineering challenges. Gergely Orosz invited OpenAI’s applied engineering lead, Evan Morikawa, to share their best practices, many of which are completely different from traditional best practices: 1. After asking a question to ChatGPT, the

Ryan Holiday 梳理了37条职场建议,不少颇具见解:

  1. 让你脱颖而出的不是野心或技能,而是理智。
  2. 冒名顶替综合症的问题在于,大多数情况下,根本没人在意你。
  3. 你必须主导自己的生活/职业/进步。
  4. 关注努力,而非结果。
  5. 做只有你能做的事。和自己赛跑。
  6. 我做过的最好的决定是接受减薪去写 Obstacle is The Way
  7. 如果你不能拍拍手离开一份工作,那么你就没有掌控它……是这份工作掌控了你。
Daily Productive Sharing 929 - Career Advice I Wish I’d Known Earlier
One helpful tip per day:) 1. It’s not ambition or skill that is going to set you apart but sanity. 2. The thing that’s wrong about imposter syndrome is that for the most part no one is thinking about you at all. 3. You have to be the

Jeff Bezos 根据一个决策是否能被逆转,把它们归为两类:

  1. 可逆转的决策意味着试错成本很低,应该尽快做出决策;
  2. 不可逆转的决策意味着试错成本很高,应该慢慢做出决策;
  3. 对于可逆转的决策而言,最大的问题是不做决策而浪费时间;对于不可逆转的决策而言,最大的问题是做出错误的决策;
  4. 即使对于不可逆转的决策,我们也不需要等到掌握所有信息再做决定,只要掌握了70%就可以做了,因为多出来的这部分信息并不一定对于做出决策有益。
Daily Productive Sharing 930 - Reversible and Irreversible Decisions
One helpful tip per day:) Jeff Bezos categorizes decisions based on whether they can be reversed, dividing them into two types: 1. Reversible decisions mean the cost of trial and error is low, so decisions should be made quickly. 2. Irreversible decisions mean the cost of trial and error is

