One helpful tip per day:)
Jakob Greenfeld understands that a rich life consists of four parts:
1. Being useful to others (such as through work)
2. Exercise
3. Learning
4. Socializing
If one
One helpful tip per day:)
Chad Fowler shared how he lost weight:
1. While walking around in Harajuku, he suddenly realized that his attitude towards health was too casual, so he decided to
* Beyond Possible
* Invisible Trade II
* Invitation to a Banquet
* 毛泽东的大饥荒
* The Art of Loving
其中印象最深的是 Nims Purja 所写的 Beyond Possible。这本书记述了他如何从一个尼泊尔边远乡村的小男孩,成为廓尔喀军团的一员,再到成为 Special Boat Service (SBS) 的第一位廓尔喀,最后在六个月内完攀14座8000米以上高峰的第一人。完攀14座高峰的纪录片叫 14
One helpful tip per day:)
This is a letter written by Dan Wang in 2018, possibly the most boring one among the eight annual letters he wrote from 2017 to 2023:
1. This
One helpful tip per day:)
DPS 558 once recommended Jason Roberts' article How to Increase Your Luck Surface Area, which posits that luck = talking x doing. Sean Murphy expanded on this concept: