Daily Productive Sharing 922 - Spot Differences

One helpful tip per day:) Herbert Lui, when submitting his manuscripts to editors, discovered: 1. Once he accepted the edits from the editors, those suggestions disappeared; 2. Therefore, he created a new document

DPS 周刊 137 - 安克的成长

安克 (Anker) 是我很喜欢的一个品牌,他们先出海再打国内市场的战略也非常成功。本周花了点时间,梳理了一些安克的信息,希望为今年的新项目打好基础。 关于安克的信息主要分为几大块: 1. 战略 2. 产品 3. 成长 4. 营销 5. 人才 战略 安克通过科学化管理、专注细分市场、强化品牌建设和提供创业平台等策略,旨在建立一个长期、可持续发展的先进电子消费品公司。它具有以下特点和战略: 1. 它是一家结合了硬件和软件的公司,强调产品的综合能力。 2. 安克的战略目标做“每片浅海里的第一或唯一”,即在每个细分市场中成为第一或唯一,追求量和质的双重领先,

Daily Productive Sharing 920 - 2017 letter

One helpful tip per day:) This is Dan Wang's annual letter for 2017, where he begins by summarizing his views on learning: 1. Learning is actually accelerating; the more you learn,

Daily Productive Sharing 919 - Manage Your Stressors

One helpful tip per day:) Nick Wignall believes there is a fundamental problem with the way we deal with stress: 1. Many coping methods are superficial solutions, such as meditation, counseling, etc.; 2.