DPS 周刊 130 - 中国的未来

2024年读完的第一本书是 Lee Kuan Yew - The Grand Master's Insights on China, the United States, and the World,中文书名是《李光耀论中国》。 去年花了点时间读了李光耀的自传 The Singapore Story,中文版分上下两部出版,分别是《风雨独立路》和《经济腾飞路》。这两本书让我对李光耀的早年经历经历和执政时光有了基本了解。而今年的这本书则让我对李光耀退休之后的观点有了更清晰的认识。 DPS

Daily Productive Sharing 884 - Systems

One helpful tip per day:) Ryan Holiday explains why he's focusing on building better systems this year: 1. Systems can create efficiency and amplify efforts. 2. While there might be an

Daily Productive Sharing 883 - Let Go

One helpful tip per day:) Anne-Laure Le Cunff emphasizes the importance of learning to let go: 1. Everyone experiences psychological trauma at some point in life. 2. Be kind to yourself, strive for