Daily Productive Sharing 852 - Unplanned work

One helpful tip per day:) Julian Lehr discusses how Linear internally transforms unplanned tasks into planned work: 1. Unplanned tasks will always exist; it's just a matter of when they arise.

DPS 周刊 123 -- 李飞飞的移民奋斗史

最近李飞飞教授出版了她的自传 The Worlds I See, 这是她的个人成长史,也是一部移民的奋斗史。 李飞飞教授在计算机视觉领域做出过卓越贡献,因为她创建的数据集 ImageNet,使得后来的深度学习在图片识别领域有了测试基准,从而大放异彩。 李飞飞教授出生在北京,成长在成都。后来她父亲于1989年先移居到美国,三年后,她和母亲得以成行,与她父亲在美国团聚。 In the initial phase, which I quickly realized was spearheaded by my mother, my father

Daily Productive Sharing 850 - Why We Love Kobe Bryant

One helpful tip per day:) Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's newsletter recently received a nomination for the National Arts & Entertainment Awards. He publicly shared three of his nominated articles, one of which explains