Daily Productive Sharing 861 - Your Best Thoughts

One helpful tip per day:) Vanessa Lancaster explained why we often have creative insights while showering or walking: 1. Our attention is limited, and when we shower or walk, our brains can relax

DPS 周刊 125 -- 提前完成了一个小目标

今年年初的时候,制定了一个阅读40本书的小目标,没想到提前一个月完成了。 今年读的最多的还是自我救赎类的书籍,比如: 1. Hidden Potential 2. Clear Thinking 3. Compounding Effect 4. Effortless 5. Quit 6. The Pathless Path 7. Discipline is Destiny 8. Small Actions 9. The Obstacle Is