DPS 周刊 131 - 如何应对焦虑?

DPS 周刊 131 - 如何应对焦虑?
Photo by Wolfgang Hasselmann / Unsplash

连续更新了十年 Youtube 之后,Tom Scott 决定停止更新了。这十年间,他每周都会制作一期节目,雷打不动。

参考 Tom Scott 的十年目标,DPS 至少要更新2500期,现在还差1610期:)

去年有很多时候在考虑 DPS 的未来,是否还要坚持下去?


  1. 三年多来,DPS 从来没有一天断更;
  2. 至少阅读 RSS 对我本身还有很大的帮助,做 DPS 无非就是举手之劳。

当然,我也希望能有更多的朋友读到 DPS。如果你觉得 DPS 对你有些许帮助,请不吝分享给身边的朋友。谢谢!

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DPS 以往的分享中,有不少讨论了焦虑及应对方式。我们梳理了这些分享,希望对你有所帮助:

In my experience, the best books on dealing with anxiety and depression are the best because they are honest about the situation.
I get hundreds of emails every month from people who struggle primarily with anxiety and depression. Many of them are looking for a solution or a piece of wisdom or advice. Unfortunately, the only thing I’m qualified to send them is this new care bear emoji I got on my phone. And that’s probably not a long-term solution for them.
Why anxiety and depression together? Well, because they often occur together. In fact, they occur so often together that people will mistake one for the other.
Whereas CBT is focused on channeling pain and suffering into more productive interpretations and actions, ACT just says fuck it, bad feelings are bad feelings and they don’t necessarily have to mean anything at all, if we don’t let them.
There’s a fine line between reading a book to gain a new perspective on a problem and reading a book to simply avoid the problem by intellectualizing it.
But when it comes to our emotional and mental health, we often believe we can just think the problems away.
So, yes, these books are helpful—as a starting point. They will give you perspective on what your depression and anxiety really are and where they come from.
Daily Productive Sharing 632 - Books for Dealing with Anxiety and Depression
One helpful tip per day:) Mark Manson recommends five books related to depression and anxiety, and also details his reasons for his recommendations. If you enjoy today’s sharing, why not subscribe Need a superb CV, please try our CV Consultation Mark Manson 推荐了五本和抑郁及焦虑有关的书籍,也详细介绍了他的推荐理由。 如果你喜欢我们的内容,不如支持我们 :) 需要更棒的简历,不妨试试我们的 CV Consultation

Anne-Laure Le Cunff 认为追寻人生的目的和焦虑紧密相关,而我们可以一步步化解这些焦虑:

  1. 人生目的和人生意义并不相同,前者针对未来,后者针对过去。关于人生意义,可以参见 [[Weekly Recap 82 - 20230204]]。
  2. 社会的发展提供了更多的可能性,这也让我们追寻人生目的旅程更加困难;
  3. 要想找到自己人生目的,首先要停止攀比;
  4. 追寻人生目的本身也是一场探索之旅,你可以探索不同的可能性,同时享受这样的探索;
  5. 即使你不知道自己的人生目的是什么,你也可以从现在开始就探索。
Daily Productive Sharing 633 - 3 Principles for a Better Life
One helpful tip per day:) Mark Manson introduced three principles valuable to his life: Principle #1: You Are Perfect Just as You Are… But You Can Always Be Better Principle #2: Most People Aren’t Evil, They’re Just Stupid. This Includes Ourselves Principle #3: A Little Bit of Truth

Tom Greene 认为焦虑其实实在浪费我们的时间:

  1. 根据一份康奈尔的调研,只有15%焦虑的坏事真正发生,而这其中的79%并不像人们焦虑的那样差。也就是说,总体而言,只有3% 的焦虑真正入人们想象的那么糟糕。
  2. 焦虑不仅会影响我们的心理健康,更会影响我们的生理健康;
  3. 适当的焦虑可以帮我们应对挑战,但是超量的焦虑有害无益;
  4. 很多时候,我们以为焦虑是解决问题的一部分,但其实不然。
Daily Productive Sharing 833 - Worrying is a Waste of Time
One helpful tip per day:) Tom Greene believes that anxiety is essentially a waste of our time: 1. According to a Cornell survey, only 15% of the things we worry about actually happen, and 79% of those are not as bad as we fear. In other words, overall, only 3%

Nick Wignall 认为很多缓解焦虑的方法都适得其反,相应地,他提出了七个更好的办法:

  1. 停止把自己当作焦虑的人;
  2. 说出自己真正的诉求;
  3. 不要在脑海中和焦虑对话;
  4. 直面焦虑;
  5. 更频繁地说“不”;
  6. 多运动;
  7. 尝试追寻每一件事的意义。
Daily Productive Sharing 836 - How to Be Less Anxious
One helpful tip per day:) Nick Wignall believes that many methods to alleviate anxiety often backfire. In response, he proposes seven better approaches: 1. Stop identifying yourself as an anxious person. 2. Express your true needs and desires. 3. Avoid engaging with anxiety in your thoughts. 4. Confront your anxiety


  1. 直面不确定,肯定他们的存在,肯定自己的情绪;
  2. 每天进步一点点,哪怕只是微小的改变,哪怕我们距离移民成功还有很长远的距离,只要我们进步一点点,我们就比前一天就好一点点,就离最终的梦想近一点点;
  3. 多肯定自己,相信自己的直觉,和过去的比较,不要和别人比较;
  4. 慢慢建立自己的秩序,建立自己的节奏,按照自己的规划往前走。
Exodus 2.11 - 如何面对真正的焦虑
请让我们用脚投票 最近一天之内经历了两次交通事故,两次带给我的感受完全不同: 1. 出城的时候,在高速遇见车祸,一辆卡车直接底朝天翻在路边。所有车道上的车都瞬间从每小时140公里减速到0。 2. 回城的时候,在同一条高速公路上碾到一块事故车的残留碎片,当时就一声巨响,但车胎还没爆。继续开了几分钟之后,我的右侧两个车胎都爆了。还好前后,以及右边的车道都没车,我慢慢减速变道停到右边路肩。 出城的那场车祸虽然不是发生我的车上,但是着实让我一身冷汗。尽管不是亲身经历事故,但我因为毫无选择而焦虑: 1. 因为当时我几乎没有选择,硬生生从140减到0,而且所有车道都是类似的情况,我也无法更换车道。 2. 如果我刹车不及时,我就会撞到前车,如果我刹车太猛,后车来不及减速,我又可能被追尾。 3. 停下来之后,大家一点点往前挪车,我也只好跟着挪,毫无选择。 4. 我也不知道什么时候能驶离事故现场,同时又有些内急。 回城的事故的的确确降临在我的头上,但我一点都不觉得危险,因为我始终有选择,而且有了一定的预期: 1. 碾过那块碎片之后,我当时就觉得车子有可能会出问题,但很庆幸没有立


谢益辉 -- 知名的统计学者及 R 语言贡献者,最近被迫从前东家离职。他写了篇文章介绍离职前后的情况,他的心态非常棒:

  1. 一段关系的结束并不意味着谁对谁错,只是双方不再匹配。这非常常见,毕竟人一直在变化。[[Daily Productive Sharing 883 - 20240103]]
  2. 他对于 Less is More 或者 Worse is Better 的哲学越来越有兴趣,也更加欣赏 stoicism 和 wabi-sabi 的哲学;
  3. 所有的选择都伴随着一些列的取舍,所以我们要做的是找到更适合我们的选择;
  4. 于他而言,这不是告别,而是迎接未来,迎接未来的未知旅程。
Daily Productive Sharing 886 - Saying “hi” to An Unknown New Journey
One helpful tip per day:) Yihui Xie -- A well-known statistician and contributor to the R language, was recently forced to leave his former employer. He wrote an article about his experiences before and after leaving his job, and his mindset is very impressive: 1. The end of a relationship

Jack Raines 从以下四个角度指出,制定新年愿望并无益处:

  1. 如果一个改变对你来说足够重要,你不需要等到1月1日才开始。
  2. 许多新年愿望只不过是伪装成有效率的拖延。
  3. 把所有事情量化和日历化,会有将生活变成一系列习惯的风险。
  4. 对自己的生活做出积极改变不应该是困难的。
Daily Productive Sharing 887 - What’s Wrong with New Year’s Resolutions
One helpful tip per day:) Jack Rain points out that setting new year resolutions are not helpful from these four perspectives: 1. If a change is important enough for you to make, you shouldn’t have to wait for January 1st to get started. 2. Many resolutions are simply procrastination

Morgan Housel 对于主动学习和被动学习给出了完全不同的定义,并且分析了他们的利弊:

  1. 主动学习是指别人告诉你学什么,怎么学,就像在学校里的学习;
  2. 被动学习是指你允许自己的大脑自行游走,广泛地阅读,广泛地交流,广泛地学习,从中汲取知识。
  3. 被动学习可以让我们把不同领域的知识联系起来,从而产生新的火花;
  4. 给自己足够的时间和空间学习交流,这样我们的知识就不会永远停留在学校里了。
Daily Productive Sharing 888 - Active vs. Passive Learning
One helpful tip per day:) Morgan Housel provided distinct definitions for active learning and passive learning, and analyzed their pros and cons: 1. Active learning refers to when someone tells you what to learn and how to learn, similar to the learning that takes place in schools; 2. Passive learning

爱沙尼亚的开发者 Mihhail Lapushkin 在过去九年间,利用闲暇时间创建了一个极简笔记工具 -- Paper。他分享了自己的心得:

  1. 要想维持极简并不容易,要遏制加功能的渴望,要让付费用户觉得物有所值。当然也有不少喜欢极简的用户;
  2. 在开发中,他做出了不少不同寻常的选择:使用原生框架开发,不实用第三方依赖性等等。之所以这么做,是因为他想提供最好的用户体验,而且他觉得这些付出是值得的;[[Daily Productive Sharing 886 - 20230108]]
  3. 保持较慢的开发节奏,保持较少的功能,让他可以更专心地打磨已有的功能;
  4. 在软件中自建与用户沟通的渠道听起来费时费力,但这不仅让他可以更直接地和用户沟通,还让他的开发更有方向性。
Daily Productive Sharing 889 - 9 Years of A Solo Dev
One helpful tip per day:) Estonian developer Mihhail Lapushkin has spent the past nine years using his spare time to create a minimalist note-taking tool -- Paper. He shared his insights: 1. Maintaining minimalism is not easy. It requires curbing the desire to add features while ensuring that paying users

Tom Scott 近期发布了他的告别视频 ,为他十年来坚持不断的更新画上了一个句号。他的 Simon Willison 专门写了文章来介绍 Tom 的历程:

  1. Tom Scott 的成功不仅仅在于他十年间的坚持,每周发布一期视频的坚持,而且在于他的细致,比如他专门搜集了自己在视频中的事实错误,并公之于众;
  2. 成功的秘诀在于不断坚持,并且在坚持的基础上不断迭代;
  3. 当然坚持本身也是一把双刃剑,它可以促使你继续坚持,也可能给你造成无形的压力。所以在坚持的同时,保持一定的灵活性,从长远来看,更加健康。
Daily Productive Sharing 890 - Escalating Streaks
One helpful tip per day:) Tom Scott recently released his farewell video, marking the end of his consistent updates over the past decade. Simon Willison wrote an article specifically to introduce Tom’s journey: 1. Tom Scott’s success lies not only in his ten years of perseverance, consistently releasing a video
