DPS 周刊 156 - 永远的外来者





最近读到 Craig Mod 写的 Notes on The Other,也记录了他作为外来者的思考。


Come eyes wide open, knowing nothing. Arrive at this place that will not accept you.
Come to this city upon which you hold no claim, come with a blank mind, a beginner’s mind, knowing few things but really knowing nothing. Better that way.


You, The Other. Always, The Other. Always pushed to the outside, only an insider in being an outsider.
The other rooms, the other stations, the other cafes, the other restaurants, the other night walks, always on the outside, always The Other, always looking in.


The more you visit the more you accrue — things, sure, but really, memories, or more specifically, nicks and cuts and dents and patches and weld marks of the heart, parts of which — a ventricle here, a valve there, your innocence, a first betrayal — are locked in the various drawers of this city, never to be returned.
Cherish these opening moments, unreturnable moments, caustic moments, moments seared into the supple mind of a new visitor, eager, electrified, impressionable, the moments still clear to me fourteen years after touching down, after getting lost, after being squeezed by the doughy kindness of that tiny old lady, after emerging from the spaghetti of the underground up onto the edge of the twilight center of this Swiss clock of a city and taking, finally, those first steps within.

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在 Awesome Immigration 搜集的100多种签证里,有一些工作签证的申请难度相对较低。我们精选并梳理了一部分欧洲国家的低门槛签证,也许可以提供为你一些技术移民的新思路:

  1. 丹麦的 The Pay Limit Scheme
  2. 挪威的 Skilled workers
  3. 德国的 Work visa for qualified professionalsVisa for professionally experiences workers
  4. 英国的 Scale-up Worker visa
Exodus 4.6 - 有哪些门槛较低的工签?
请让我们用脚投票 一直以来,各国的技术移民签证都以高标准严要求著称:学历,工作经历,语言等要求缺一不可。这些要么卡住了大家的移民计划,要么延长了大家的准备时间。 在 Awesome Immigration 搜集的100多种签证里,有一些工作签证的申请难度相对较低。我们精选并梳理了一部分欧洲国家的低门槛签证,也许可以提供为你一些技术移民的新思路: 1. 丹麦的 The Pay Limit Scheme 2. 挪威的 Skilled workers 3. 德国的 Work visa for qualified professionals 和 Visa for professionally experiences workers 4. 英国的 Scale-up Worker visa 1. 丹麦 尽管丹麦语不好学,丹麦的 The Pay Limit

机器不保养的话,就会罢工,人呢?人缺少睡眠也会罢工,Ryan Holiday 结合他之前在 American Apparal 的失败介绍了睡眠的重要性:

  1. American Apparal 的创始人 Dov Charney 曾经试图拯救即将失败的公司,他牺牲了大量睡眠时间来做这件事,结果越来越糟,最后导致公司破产;
  2. 其实最主要的原因是缺少睡眠会导致判断力下降,而这些错误会不断累加;
  3. 诚如 Arthur Schopenhauer 所言:“睡眠是我们在死亡时偿还的资本所需支付的利息。利率越高,支付越规律,赎回的日期就越推迟。”
  4. 如果我们想要做好一件事,要想长期保持好状态的话,唯一要做的事就是保证充足的睡眠。
Daily Productive Sharing 1011 - The Secret To Success
Sleep is the source of all health and energy.

如果看错终点线提前冲刺会怎么样?Nick Maggiulli 正在最近的一场3.5英里的慢跑比赛中,两次看错终点,提前冲刺,最终晕倒在终点线。这一经历提醒他:

  1. 哪怕慢慢跑完,也不会有对他的人生有什么影响,为什么要这么着急呢?
  2. 他着急的真正原因在于他太在意结果,而忽略这场比赛的本意 -- 与同事一同享受纽约中央公园的美景;
  3. 他认为这样其实很自私,这么着急不仅让他错失欣赏美景的机会,还损害了他的健康。
Daily Productive Sharing 1012 - Wrong Destination
My catalyst came at the end of 3.5 grueling miles. It came after 34 years of focusing on myself.

一个人的成功到底是因为技能还是因为运气?Herbert Lui 认为需要平衡这两者:

  1. 过分强调运气可能导致忽视技能的重要性,而过分强调技能可能使人忽视运气的影响;
  2. 要为可能发生的不幸运的情况做好准备,同时也要努力发展自己的技能以实现成功;
  3. 当一个陌生人问你到底是什么让你成功的?你可以回答说是因为运气;如果你的孩子问你到底是什么让你成功的?你可以回答说是努力和技能。
Daily Productive Sharing 1013 - Luck or Skill?
In poker, you get to control how you play your hand—but you don’t get to control what hand you are dealt.

当你突然得知得了末期肺癌会怎么办?61岁的理财作家 Jonathan Clements 分享了他的感悟和计划:

  1. 理财就是为了面对不确定性,而确诊让他更加体会到这一点;
  2. 因为年轻时经历了很多,体验了很多,这让他现在能够平静地面对当下;
  3. 即使在目前的状况下,他也仍旧认为生活存在意义,要去实现中这些意义。
Daily Productive Sharing 1014 - Facing Death
We can control risk, but we can’t eliminate it.


  1. China’s hope lies in the fact that more and more people have broken free from blind faith in the leadership.
  2. The standard of comparison for measuring the success or failure of a society should be this: Has the distance between it and the most advanced societies of the world increased or decreased?
  3. The facts clearly show that, among other countries and regions1 that began with similar cultural backgrounds, and at starting points comparable to China’s, nearly all have now joined or are about to join the ranks of the developed.
  4. We must recognize that China’s overpopulation was due to Mao’s policy in the 1950s to oppose birth control as a “bourgeois Malthusian doctrine” and encourage rapid population growth.
  5. The new emphasis on economics in domestic policy and the cessation of “exporting revolution” in foreign policy are both important examples of progress.
  6. Chinese education, which for years suffered the ravages of Mao Zedong’s anti-intellectual, anticultural political principles, has left China with a population in which the proportion of illiterates remains about what it was forty years ago.
  7. When it comes to one of the major causes of instability in Chinese society today—the continuing state of civil war with Taiwan—this supreme principle somehow ceases to apply.
  8. Yet it is precisely because democracy is generated from below that—despite the many frustrations and disappointments in our present situation—I still view our future with hope.
Daily Productive Sharing 1015 - China’s Hope
China’s hope, at present, lies in the fact that more and more people have broken free from blind faith in the leadership.



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