Daily Productive Sharing 210 - What I Leant When I Turned 35?

(The English version follows)


第二百期 DPS 曾经分享过 Kevin Kelly 的两篇生日感悟,加起来一共有167条感悟。今天的作者虽然没有 KK 那么年长,也没他那么有名,但他的35岁生日感悟依旧很有意思,比如:

  1. 不要玩短期游戏,要重视复利的威力;
  2. 写作会带给你无法想象的优势;
  3. 能解释清楚 "是什么"、"为什么 "和 "如何 "是被低估的,也是非常有用的;
  4. 先求理解,后求被理解;
  5. 在提供帮助之前,要确定别人需要帮助;
  6. 有时他们只是需要支持,而不是解决方案;
  7. 系统 > 目标;
  8. 赚白领的钱,花蓝领的钱。



Daily Productive Sharing 011 - 20200912

Daily Productive Sharing 033 - 20201007

Daily Productive Sharing 056 - 20201103

Daily Productive Sharing 100 - 20210101

Daily Productive Sharing 110 - 20210115

Daily Productive Sharing 119 - 20200128

Daily Productive Sharing 135 - 20210219

Daily Productive Sharing 196 - 20210517

Weekly Book Club 015 - 20210123

Weekly Book Club 023 - 20210320


Daily Productive Sharing 116 - 20200125

Daily Productive Sharing 124 - 20210204

Daily Productive Sharing 135 - 20210219

Daily Productive Sharing 143 - 20210303

Daily Productive Sharing 151 - 20210315

Daily Productive Sharing 163 - 20210331

Weekly Book Club 005 - 20201115

Weekly Book Club 006 - 20201121

Weekly Book Club 015 - 20210123

Weekly Book Club 023 - 20210320



35 Principles for 35 Years

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The 200th DPS has shared two birthday messages from Kevin Kelly, adding up to a total of 167 messages. Today's author is not as old or famous as KK, but his 35th birthday messages are still insightful, such as

  1. We only have so many years for long term games to compound.
  2. Writing is Stupendously High Leverage.
  3. Simple Explanations of What, Why, and How are extremely underrated and extremely useful.
  4. Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood.
  5. Make Sure Help Is Wanted Before Offering It.
  6. Sometimes they just need support, not solutions.
  7. Systems > Goals.
  8. Earn White Collar, Spend Blue Collar.

The principles of compound interest and systems are what we also always emphasize:

Daily Productive Sharing 011 - 20200912

Daily Productive Sharing 033 - 20201007

Daily Productive Sharing 056 - 20201103

Daily Productive Sharing 100 - 20210101

Daily Productive Sharing 110 - 20210115

Daily Productive Sharing 119 - 20200128

Daily Productive Sharing 135 - 20210219

Daily Productive Sharing 196 - 20210517

Weekly Book Club 015 - 20210123

Weekly Book Club 023 - 20210320


Daily Productive Sharing 116 - 20200125

Daily Productive Sharing 124 - 20210204

Daily Productive Sharing 135 - 20210219

Daily Productive Sharing 143 - 20210303

Daily Productive Sharing 151 - 20210315

Daily Productive Sharing 163 - 20210331

Weekly Book Club 005 - 20201115

Weekly Book Club 006 - 20201121

Weekly Book Club 015 - 20210123

Weekly Book Club 023 - 20210320

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35 Principles for 35 Years

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Life is too Short for Short Term Games. We only have so many years for long term games to compound.
Writing is Stupendously High Leverage.Simple Explanations of What, Why, and How are extremely underrated and extremely useful. This is also a core skill of all leaders.

Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood.

Don't get defensive about your point of view or perception of reality - understand theirs first.

Treat Others How They Want To Be Treated. The Golden Rule is -sadly- not good enough when your privilege is higher or expectations are lower than others'.

Make Sure Help Is Wanted Before Offering It.

Sometimes they just need support, not solutions.

Log Your Wins. e.g. when you ship something big or small, or when someone says nice things about you. They can help when you are feeling emotionally down, or when writing a brag document.

Systems > Goals.

Earn White Collar, Spend Blue Collar.