Daily Productive Sharing 876 - Boosting Self-confidence

One helpful tip per day:) Nick Wignall introduced four skills to boost self-confidence: 1. Shift your expectations from idealistic to realistic 2. Shift your judgments from moral to mechanical 3. Shift your criticism

DPS 周刊 128 - Why Not?

Mark Rober 是炙手可热的科普类 Youtuber,拥有近三千万关注。之前 NASA 和 Apple 的工作经历让他专注用各种 DIY 来解决实际问题,比如制作释放怪味的包裹来报复偷包裹的人,制作了世界上最小的 nerf gun,等等。也因为他出色的科普能力,MIT 请他今年在毕业典礼上致辞,他给出了很不一样的演讲。他讲了三点: 1. 天真乐观 (embrace naive optimism) 2. 定格失败 (frame your failures) 3.

Daily Productive Sharing 875 - Build Trust

One helpful tip per day:) Jacob Kaplan-Moss shared insights on building trust in the workplace: 1. Treat trust as an integral part of management. 2. Trust is mutual; to be trusted by colleagues,