Daily Productive Sharing 894 - Write More

One helpful tip per day:) Andrew Chen summarized some tips for writing more: 1. The most important thing is to collect inspiration. 2. Don't worry about the length of your writing,

Daily Productive Sharing 893 - Wrong Problems

One helpful tip per day:) Nick Maggiulli believes that we often expend a lot of energy on the wrong problems: 1. Solving the wrong problems not only fails to upset us but also

DPS 周刊 131 - 如何应对焦虑?

连续更新了十年 Youtube 之后,Tom Scott 决定停止更新了。这十年间,他每周都会制作一期节目,雷打不动。 参考 Tom Scott 的十年目标,DPS 至少要更新2500期,现在还差1610期:) 去年有很多时候在考虑 DPS 的未来,是否还要坚持下去? 现在支撑我的无非两条: 1. 三年多来,DPS 从来没有一天断更; 2. 至少阅读 RSS 对我本身还有很大的帮助,做 DPS 无非就是举手之劳。 当然,