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Anne-Laure Le Cunff suggests that we should train our mindset just as we exercise our bodies:
1. Our mindset, like our body, can become more stable and better
在上一期 DPS 周刊中,我们介绍了李飞飞教授的移民奋斗史 -- The Worlds I See。其实她的成名之作当属 ImageNet,这座计算机视觉的里程碑的诞生却一波三折,它甚至差点夭折。
DPS 周刊 123 -- 李飞飞的移民奋斗史最近李飞飞教授出版了她的自传 The Worlds I See, 这是她的个人成长史,也是一部移民的奋斗史。 李飞飞教授在计算机视觉领域做出过卓越贡献,因为她创建的数据集 ImageNet,使得后来的深度学习在图片识别领域有了测试基准,从而大放异彩。 李飞飞教授出生在北京,成长在成都。后来她父亲于1989年先移居到美国,三年后,
One helpful tip per day:)
Paul W. Homer believes that abstraction are among the most important mechanisms in programming:
1. Abstraction can reduce errors in your code, improve your programming efficiency, and most
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Danilo Campos used ChatGPT to assist coding, and this experience reminded him that his career has been changed by chatGPT:
1. Software structure significantly impacts a project'
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Will Larson has his own insights on luck:
1. Relying on luck is not sustainable.
2. It's great when luck is on our side, but we