One helpful tip per day:)
Morgan Housel shared his insights about wealth:
1. Most of what makes you happy in life has nothing to do with money, and realizing that once you have
One helpful tip per day:)
Tom Greene believes that anxiety is essentially a waste of our time:
1. According to a Cornell survey, only 15% of the things we worry about actually happen,
One helpful tip per day:)
During last Friday's sharing session, Paul Graham believed that curiosity is a crucial factor for exponential growth. Coincidentally, Paul W. Homer also believed that curiosity plays
One helpful tip per day:)
1. Take the assignment.
2. There is something powerful about the “daily read” format.
3. The work never stops.
4. Platforms are the priority.
5. Give a lot
这周看到有一位豆瓣友邻说 ta 开始开网约车,攒了不少故事,以后会写出来。正巧,之前读过 NPR 驻华记者 Frank Langfitt(他的继任就是写《长乐路》的史明智)所写的 The Shanghai Free Taxi 。
这本 The Shanghai Free Taxi 讲的就是 Frank 在上海工作期间,买了一辆二手车,然后晚上在上海的街头转悠,免费搭载客人,最后搜集了不少有趣的故事。